Management between crises and emergencies. Toward an "absential" approach

Autori/Curatori Sergio Barile, Antonio La Sala, Rosario Bianco
Anno di pubblicazione 2023 Fascicolo 2022/2
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 25 P. 157-181 Dimensione file 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/cgrds2-2022oa15105
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The aim of this study is to propose a new approach to decision making based on information variety endowment and configuration. The research adopts an exploratory methodology and a qualitative approach, deepening and analyzing both academic and non-academic studies. The study found the existence of general characteristics in the dynamics of human behavior and in that of social phenomena, characters that lead to specific paths of decision and action based on information variety endowment of decision makers. The developed conceptualization needs verification through appropriate tools and tested in empirical settings. The study can support the decision-making process of individuals, organizations, and whole societies - understood as viable systems - in the current dynamic and unpredictable context. This is the first work to propose an absential approach for the framing of managerial problems, recognizing that current methodologies are not capable of effectively responding to uncertainty and unpredictability of the melted result of economic, political, and social environments interaction. Eventually, this is the first work to engage in a mathematical demonstration of decision-making essentiality.

The aim of this study is to propose a new approach to decision making based on information variety endowment and configuration. The research adopts an exploratory methodology and a qualitative approach, deepening and analyzing both academic and non-academic studies. The study found the existence of general characteristics in the dynamics of human behavior and in that of social phenomena, characters that lead to specific paths of decision and action based on information variety endowment of decision makers. The developed conceptualization needs verification through appropriate tools and tested in empirical settings. The study can support the decision-making process of individuals, organizations, and whole societies – understood as viable systems – in the current dynamic and unpredictable context. This is the first work to propose an absential approach for the framing of managerial problems, recognizing that current methodologies are not capable of effectively responding to uncertainty and unpredictability of the melted result of economic, political, and social environments interaction. Eventually, this is the first work to engage in a mathematical demonstration of decision-making essentiality.

Keywords:; Absential management; emotions; decision making; information variety

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Sergio Barile, Antonio La Sala, Rosario Bianco, Management between crises and emergencies. Toward an "absential" approach in "CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT STUDIES" 2/2022, pp 157-181, DOI: 10.3280/cgrds2-2022oa15105