The one health approach: Main psychological components

Autori/Curatori Gabriella Gilli, Chiara Lovati, Federico Manzi, Antonella Marchetti
Anno di pubblicazione 2023 Fascicolo 2022/3
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 11 P. 1-11 Dimensione file 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/rip2022oa15121
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Environmental issues currently represent one of the most significant social and scientific challenges. With the exacerbation of the climate crisis, researchers are reconsidering the human-nature connection to gain a better understanding of this relationship and explore solutions to environmental issues. To address these challenges, the One Health approach, through its holistic view, proposes a dynamic model of health and well-being that promotes the integration of human, animal and environmental health. In recent years, this approach has also gained relevance in psychology as it is becoming increasingly urgent to identify strategies and promote behaviour that can protect the natural environment. The present theoretical reflection aims to investigate the psychological mechanisms and processes that support the emergence of pro-environmental attitudes and behaviour. These are the result of a process involving not only the rational side (e.g. beliefs and values), but also the emotional and empathic side towards nature. Several psychological dimensions implicated in the adoption of proenvironmental behaviour have been identified, including empathy, gratitude towards nature and personality traits. Finally, training and educational programmes based on nudging principles that encourage individuals to reflect on their decisions towards the natural environment and the adoption of proenvironmental behaviour and attitudes were considered.

Environmental issues currently represent one of the most significant social and scientific challenges. With the exacerbation of the climate crisis, researchers are reconsidering the human-nature connection to gain a better understanding of this relationship and explore solutions to environmental issues. To address these challenges, the One Health approach, through its holistic view, proposes a dynamic model of health and well-being that promotes the integration of human, animal and environmental health. In recent years, this approach has also gained relevance in psychology as it is becoming increasingly urgent to identify strategies and promote behaviour that can protect the natural environment. The present theoretical reflection aims to investigate the psychological mechanisms and processes that support the emergence of pro-environmental attitudes and behaviour. These are the result of a process involving not only the rational side (e.g. beliefs and values), but also the emotional and empathic side towards nature. Several psychological dimensions implicated in the adoption of proenvironmental behaviour have been identified, including empathy, gratitude towards nature and personality traits. Finally, training and educational programmes based on nudging principles that encourage individuals to reflect on their decisions towards the natural environment and the adoption of proenvironmental behaviour and attitudes were considered.

Keywords:; One Health approach; psychology; psychological constructs; environment; educational programs

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Gabriella Gilli, Chiara Lovati, Federico Manzi, Antonella Marchetti, The one health approach: Main psychological components in "RICERCHE DI PSICOLOGIA" 3/2022, pp 1-11, DOI: 10.3280/rip2022oa15121