The contribution of Management Control journal to research on digital technologies and sustainability

Author/s Daniela Mancini, Domenica Lavorato, Palmira Piedepalumbo
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2023/2
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 5-18 File size 171 KB
DOI 10.3280/MACO2023-002001
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Sustainability and digitization are recognized as crucial issues in the contemporary era. Sustainability serves as a guiding paradigm for defining corporate missions and formulating strategies to achieve economic, social, and environmental objectives. Simultaneously, the advent of digital technologies has immersed companies in an interconnected and pervasive environment, necessitating meticulous management, organization, evaluation, and risk assessment. Companies increasingly acknowledge the interdependence between sustainability and technological devel-opment. Implementing digital technology can expedite the transition to sustainabil-ity, while embracing sustainability principles requires assessment of the long-term impacts of digital transformation. While studies in business administration and management focus on both sustainability and technological innovation, their inter-section is still in its nascent stage. This article aims to analyze the contribution of Management Control to the national and international scientific discourse on sus-tainability and digitization. Additionally, it proposes a research agenda for future publications in the journal, consolidating its position in the broad field of planning and control systems. A systematic literature review was conducted, considering the articles on sustainability and technology issues published in the Management Con-trol journal. The article provides an overview of the studies on technology, sustain-ability, and their combined effects, concluding with concise observations and a synthesis of the contributions included in this volume.

Keywords: Management Control, Information and communication technologies, Digital technologies, Sustainability

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Daniela Mancini, Domenica Lavorato, Palmira Piedepalumbo, Il contributo di Management Control alla ricerca su tecnologie digitali e sostenibilità in "MANAGEMENT CONTROL" 2/2023, pp 5-18, DOI: 10.3280/MACO2023-002001