Supporting parental skills in the context of migration. Reflections starting from an experience in Italian public health system

Author/s Gandolfa Cascio, Mario Limodio, Bernadetta Maini, Federica Massari, Vanessa Oluyemi, Anna Maria Petitti
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/3
Language Italian Pages 15 P. 62-76 File size 243 KB
DOI 10.3280/PDS2024-003007
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The article proposes some reflections on the support of parenting skills starting from an experience carried out within two different public health services that are part of the Azienda Sanitaria Locale (Local Health Administration) located in Frosinone. The experience especially involved both the Family Counseling Center and the Multiethnic Service. After a brief review of the literature, the authors present the peculiarities of the paths car-ried out with reference to the peculiarities of the contexts of intervention. The contribution highlights how the different institutional mandates and multiple clients have a relevance in the design of each taking charge. Specifically, the text focuses on the theoretical and methodological framework, the main goals, the procedure and the participatory monitoring and evaluation. In line with international literature, the paths were considered functional by all the actors involved in taking charge, suggesting the importance of proposing culturally informed inter-ventions to foreign users. This evidence can be considered important despite the opportunity to collect data in a more systematic way and the limited number of case studies. Finally, a more general and systemic underlining concerns the importance of providing for linguistic-cultural mediation in ways that ensure the continuity of intervention over time.

Keywords: migration, migrant families, parenting and family support, parental skills, transcul-tural approach

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Gandolfa Cascio, Mario Limodio, Bernadetta Maini, Federica Massari, Vanessa Oluyemi, Anna Maria Petitti, Supportare la genitorialità in contesto migratorio. Riflessioni a partire da un’esperienza nei servizi in "PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE" 3/2024, pp 62-76, DOI: 10.3280/PDS2024-003007