Evaluating One Health

Autori/Curatori Laura Tomassone
Anno di pubblicazione 2024 Fascicolo 2024/3
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 7 P. 131-137 Dimensione file 155 KB
DOI 10.3280/SES2024-003009
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Monitoring and evaluation of integrated “One Health” surveillance is essential to ensure an efficient allocation of resources, the achievement of surveillance goals and to ensure that all stakeholders assume their roles and responsibilities. Several evaluation tools are available, which differ in their approaches, user-friendliness, comprehensiveness. Here we present the experience of evaluating the degree of One Health implementation of integrated surveillance plans for antimicrobial use (AMU) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR), with special reference to ClassyFarm, the Italian system implemented to monitor AMU and AMR in livestock farms.

Keywords:one health; evaluation; surveillance; antimicrobial use; antimicrobial resistance; ClassyFarm.

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Laura Tomassone, Evaluating One Health in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" 3/2024, pp 131-137, DOI: 10.3280/SES2024-003009