La valutazione dei pari nelle scienze sociali e politiche. la lezione della VQR 2004-2010

Autori/Curatori Antonio Fasanella, Annalisa Di Benedetto
Anno di pubblicazione 2015 Fascicolo 2015/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 29 P. 44-72 Dimensione file 163 KB
DOI 10.3280/SP2015-002003
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A scientific evaluation must follow rigorous, codified and reproducible procedures. The methodological adequacy of the peer review procedure in the latest Italian research evaluation exercise (VQR 2004- 2010) is the key focus of this work. First and foremost the analysis regards the referee selection procedure. Afterward the matching between the referees and the research products to be evaluated is considered. Also the evaluation form available to the referees is examined, together with the synthesis procedure of the scores. The last focus concerns the peer judgments stability and homogeneity. Also concrete proposals for the improvement of the evaluation procedures are presented. The study is limited to the Political and Social Sciences Area, because of its epistemic peculiarities.;

Keywords:Research Evaluation; Peer Review; Political and Social Sciences; Research Quality Evaluation Exercise (VQR 2004-2010); Evaluation Methodological Adequacy

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  • Considerazioni metodologiche sulla Vqr 2011-2014 e possibili sviluppi della valutazione Antonio Fasanella, Fabrizio Martire, in SOCIOLOGIA E RICERCA SOCIALE 114/2017 pp.89
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Antonio Fasanella, Annalisa Di Benedetto, La valutazione dei pari nelle scienze sociali e politiche. la lezione della VQR 2004-2010 in "SOCIOLOGIA E POLITICHE SOCIALI" 2/2015, pp 44-72, DOI: 10.3280/SP2015-002003