Issue 2 suppl./2020
- Viacheslav Kerner, Joint Security Area: Pathways to sustainable development and well-being of society through overcoming crisis situations
- Viacheslav B. Dziundziuk, Oleksandr A. Kotukov, Dmytro V. Hryn, Eugene V. Kotukh, Spread of virtual communities as a potential threat to state security and sustainable well-being
- Yusa Djuyandi, Indra Prawira, Abdul Rauf Ridzuan, Building sustainable non-traditional security: Lessons from COVID-19
- Marina N. Rudenko, Development of a sustainable mechanism for the economic security of the region
- Taras Yu. Tkachuk, Leontii G. Chystokletov, Dmytro M.Pavlov, Valerii V. Shyshko, Leonid O. Ostapenko, Formation of axiological system of information security of the state: Ukrainian Experience
- Igor I. Vinichenko, Oksana V. Honcharenko, Svitlana M. Khalatur, Alla O. Sitkovska, Yurii O. Prus, Vita H. Korchahina, Innovation-investment platform of complex ensuring the economic security of enterprises of agrarian industry
- Muhammad Budiana, Windy Dermawan, Yusa Djuyandi, The contribution of Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Southern Thailand conflict
- Juliia V. Abakumova, Halyna S. Andrushchenko, Olga O. Semchyk, Ievgeniia A. Ananieva, Roman I. Samsin , Issues of ensuring budget security as a legal category in the digital age
- Oleh M. Semenenko, Oleh V. Pavlovskyi, Alexey I. Solomitsky, Svitlana S. Zvarych, Lesia V. Skurinevska, Modern aspects of sustainable development of military and economic security principles and practices
- Bohdan O. Stasiuk, Artem O. Bezuglyi, Valentyna V. Kontseva, The rationale of the safety index for estimation of socio-economic costs of road accidents
- Natalia V. Trusova, Oksana V. Hryvkivska, Tetiana I. Yavorska, Oleksandr S. Prystemskyi, Valentyna N. Kepko, Yurii O. Prus, Innovative development and competitiveness of agribusiness subjects in the system of ensuring of economic security of the regions of Ukraine
- Olga I. Vikarchuk, Serhii M. Nikolaienko, Olena O. Kalinichenko, Iryna O. Poita, Integrated evaluation as a precedence of economic security management insurance market
- Karina V. Gnatenko, Oleg M. Yaroshenko, Hanna V. Anisimova, Sofiia O. Shabanova, Andrey M. Sliusar, Prohibition of discrimination as a principle of social security in the context of ensuring sustainable well-being
- Anatoliy V. Kostruba, Oleh S. Hyliaka, Theoretical substantiation of the model of borrowing rights-terminating facts
- Anatoliy S. Sitsinskiy, Igor L. Hasiuk, Valeriia V. Golub, Andriy I. Semenchenko, Dmytro V. Dubov, Security and efficiency of public administration of the socio-humanitarian sector of Ukraine
- Oleh O. Surkov, Andri M.Romaniuk, Dmytro P. Moroz, Conceptual model of strategic planning for the sustainable development of the Armed Forces
- Vladimir V. Zemskov, Valeriy I. Prasolov, Nikolai G. Sinyavsky, Oksana V. Konovalova, Lyudmila Kh. Botasheva, Risks of private and sovereign debt as factors affecting the economic security of the state
Issue 2/2020
- Eva Maria Pfostel, Editorial
- Tamara Merkulova, Kateryna Kononova, Trust shifting as a reaction to pandemic: Cross country analysis
- Galymzhan Absattarov, Gulmira Mukhanova, Ardak Abdiraiymova, Aizhamal Sarbassova, The patriotic consciousness of the Kazakh people is the basis for the sustainable development of the state
- Olzhas Shaizandaevich Adilkhanov, Orazaly Sabden, Evaluation of export diversification on sustainable growth in Kazakhstan
- Svetlana L. Lozhkina, Alexander A. Novikov, Elena A. Chepkasova, Elena V. Novikova, Assessment of investment attractiveness for regional sustainable development using methods of economic, statistical and factor analysis
- Alberto Manelli, Roberta Pace, Jacopo Montecchiani, Lorenzo Viserta, The Alternative Investment Market Italia listing process: A sustainable Alternative Investment Market for Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs)?
- Yermek A. Buribayev, Zhanna A. Khamzina, Zhambyl K. Oryntaev, Amangeldy Sh. Khamzin, Social security and gender equality in Kazakhstan: Legislative gaps and opportunities
- Francesco Alicino, The sustainability of the human right to food
- Safwat H. Shakir Hanna, Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Agroecosystem energy, ecological human imprint and economic sustainability: Analysis and impacts
- Flavio Boccia, Tetiana Paientko, Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Daniela Covino, Environmental management in a developing global business context: Sustainable challenges and opportunities
Issue 1/2020
- Eva Maria Pfostel, Editorial
- Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Daniela Covino, Irene Paola Borrelli, Immacolata Viola, Sustainability, Territories and Circular Economy
- Marina Romano, The reform of the third sector in the perspective of sustainable development
- Lidiya Guryanova, Olena Bolotova, Vitalii Gvozdytskyi, Sergienko Olena, Long-term financial sustainability: An evaluation methodology with threats considerations
- Gianfranco Franz, For a New Ecological Thought
- Carlo Greco, Alessandro Campiotti, Patrizia De Rossi, Pierluigi Febo, Germina Giagnacovo, Energy consumption and improvement of energy efficiency for the European agricultural-food system
- Herbert Wibert, Victor Hasudungana, Sulthon Sjahril Sabaruddinb, Incentive-based policy to promote the production of geothermal power from carbon tax scheme: A case of Indonesian CGE model
- Andrea Pronti, The bottom-up approach is teetering. When sustainability does not match public participation: The case of an urban re-greening project in a small town in Northern Italy
- Roberto Ruggieri, Giuliana Vinci, Marco Ruggeri, Henry Sardaryan, Food losses and food waste: The Industry 4.0 opportunity for the sustainability challenge
- Salvatore Ciano, Séverine Goscinny, Giuliana Vinci, Hemp (Cannabis Sativa L.): Sustainability and challenges for the food sector
- Laura Emma Milani Marin, Alessandra Cecilia Jacomuzzi, Insects at the table: What consumers know
- Denys Pylypenko, Well-being sustainability and human rights: Legal regulations
- Saida Assanova, Serikkali Tynybekov, Arkhat Abikenov, Sarsengaly Aldashev, Gulyiya Mukaldyeva, Problem aspects of mediation dispute resolution
- Vitalii Y. Bocheliuk, Serhii F. Denysov, Tetiana A. Denysova, Viktoria M. Palchenkova, Nikita S. Panov, Psychological and legal problems for ensuring human rights
- Talgat T. Dyussebayev, Kuanysh T. Terlikbayev, Talgat T. Balashov, Marat I. Zhumagulov, Alima O. Omirali, Features for ensuring the rights and freedoms of the suspect (accused) in the CIS states according to the European standards
- Mikhail A. Gussev, Yessil S. Rakhmetov, Aliya K. Berdibayeva, Ainash Yessekeyeva, Legal problems of the paternity institution: Child’s rights ensuring issues
- Anatoliy V. Kostruba, Valentyna A. Vasylyeva, Termination of right in the mechanism of civil legal relations
- Oleksandr R. Kovalyshyn, Oleg A. Vivcharenko, Uliana P. Gryshko, Legal borrowings in the area of civil rights and interests protection under the legislation of Ukraine and the EU
- Anarkhan R. Kuttygalieva, Yermek A. Buribayev, Bakhytkali M. Koshpenbetov, Gakku N. Rakhimova, Zhanna A. Khamzina, Ilyas Kussainov, Ensuring social guarantees and human rights for the implementation of the labour legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Tolganay V. Mustafina-Kulchmanova, Zhabayhan M. Abdildin, Kudaibergen A. Temirgaliev, Kuralay S. Yermagambetova, Manifa S. Sarkulova, Conditions for the development of the philosophy of non-violence in the modern world
- Karakat M. Nagymzhanova, Raikhan O. Tuksaitova, Nazilya M. Irgebaeva, Zina Sh. Koldasbaeva, Aisulu D. Kanapianova, The formation of tolerance among various ethnic groups as a way to increase well-being
- Botakoz A. Nuralina, Gulzhan D. Khussainova, Zhomart Simitikov, Almira Zh. Mukazhanova, Nursulu K. Dyussenova, History and methods of solving political conflicts in the world politics
- Bakhyt M. Nurgaliyev, Gulnara M. Rysmagambetova, Kanat S. Lackbayev, Aset A. Shulanbayev, Problems and conflicts of the intelligence and criminal procedure legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Lyazzat B. Nyssanbekova, Eugenia Kurzynsky-Singer, Zhuldyz T. Sairambaeva, Shaimardan M. Sharipov, Ilyas K. Kuderin, The role of the individual in the protection of their rights and interests in international courts
- Oleksandr V. Petryshyn, Nataliia S. Kuznietsova, Oleksii O. Kot, Transformation of approaches to the right of the individual to information in keeping with European integration
- Dinara A. Tursynkulova, Ainur A. Urisbayeva, Aigul M. Karatayeva, Gulnura A. Khudaiberdina, Yerik B. Akhmetov, Modern features of law institutions of the European Union
- Zharkyn A. Tusupbekov, Nurlan O. Baygabylov, Serik B. Balshikeev, Nargiza A. Orynbasarova, Ayan A. Tusupbekov, Formation of national culture in the context of cross-border societies development
- Madiyar N. Umbetov, Ermek Nurmaganbet, Kairat T. Bitemirov, Nursultan B. Kalkashev, Zhaksylyk R. Yeslamgaliyev, Some aspects of legal regulation in international law: human rights protection issues