Issue 2/2017 The Europe of "decentralised courts". Palaces and royal sites: the construction of the political image of the Bourbons of Italy and Spain. Giuseppe Cirillo, Anna Grimaldi (edited by)
- Giuseppe Cirillo, Anna Grimaldi, Introduction
- Giuseppe Cirillo, Roberto Quirós Rosado, The Europe of "decentralised courts". Palaces and Royal Sites: the construction of the political image of the Bourbons of Italy and Spain through new rituals and ceremonials
- Giovanni Brancaccio, Royal and archeological sites: towards an integrated system?
- Angelo Di Falco, The experimentation of "military governments" in Royal Bourbon Sites. The "State" of Caserta between iurisdictio and administration
- Nicola Cusumano, The Bourbons in Sicily: Reflections on the Tutelage of Monuments and Hunting Reserves
- Robin L. Thomas, The pacte de famille and a famille des palais: Architecture and the Bourbons in the Eighteenth Century
- Anna Grimaldi, From hunting cottages to royal palaces. Mural decoration of the sites of Charles and Ferdinand of Bourbon, between celebration of power and damnatio memoriae
- Maria Anna Noto, Charles of Bourbon, King of Naples: the Royal Sites and the Representation of Sovereignty
Issue 1/2017 La politica charmante Società di corte e figure femminili nelle età di transizione. Elena Riva (a cura di)
- Elena Riva, Introduzione
- Maria Anna Noto, Poteri femminili nella transizione cinquecentesca: Antonia del Balzo e Dorotea Gonzaga nel turbine delle guerre d’Italia
- Elena Riva, Una reggente di successo. La politica internazionale di Maria Giovanna Battista di Savoia-Nemours
- Blythe Alice Raviola, Per il profilo di una Mazarinette. Olimpia Mancini di Savoia-Soissons (1637 ca. - 1708)
- Giulio Sodano, Una contessa palatina a Parma. Dorotea Sofia e l’irruzione delle Neuburg nella politica europea