Designing ethically in a complex world

A cura di: Elena Caratti, Laura Galluzzo

Designing ethically in a complex world

Multiple challenges within design for public and social systems

This volume focuses on the ethical challenges of design for public and social systems, attempting to clarify what it means to design ethically in a complex world and how it is possible to do so, within a multifaceted reality in which everything is interconnected and constantly changing.

Pages: 212

ISBN: 9788835167907

Edizione:1a edizione 2024

Publisher code: 10319.28

Info about Open Access books

This volume focuses on the ethical challenges of design for public and social systems, attempting to clarify what it means to design ethically in a complex world and how it is possible to do so, within a multifaceted reality in which everything is interconnected and constantly changing. The first section of the book introduces some theoretical aspects, principles and values underlying ethical design. The second part is aimed at reflecting on the relationship between ethics and design from a phenomenological perspective. Ethics, in the philosophical sense of the term, pertains to the whole range of behaviors that individuals adopt to conduct their existence without causing damage to themselves or others, what challenges does design for public and social systems face in designing ethically? Can designers become real agents of social transformation? What kind of impact and effects do designers produce within the public and social system?
How can we recognize those ethical design practices that bring about real structural change? What is the role of digital technologies? Our aim is to offer a series of critical reflections and concrete examples of the substantial effects of an ethical approach to design, with recognition of the value of otherness and the awareness of the interdependence between artifacts, individuals, societies, governments, institutions, and the planetary ecosystem.

Adam Nocek, Preface
Elena Caratti, Laura Galluzzo, Designing ethically in a complex and changing world
Part I. Theories for an ethics of responsibility
Salvatore Zingale, Exercises in alterity: nurturing alterity for a design ethic
Silvia Pizzocaro,
Design as pluriversality: the translational territory where practice is plural
Elena Caratti,
Ethical translations for social design
James Postell,
Ethical dimensions in interaction design
Part II. Applied ethics in design for public and social systems
Davide Fassi, Francesco Vergani, Design for public engagement: merging the role of academics and neighbourhood communities
Valeria Bucchetti, Different voices of identity. The role of communication design for the 0-18 community
Virginia Tassinari, Francesca Piredda, Elettra Panepinto, Framing designing practices from the margins. The case of Off Campus San Vittore
Laura Galluzzo,
Design of plural public space
Daniela Anna Calabi,
The accessible landscape. Sustainable narratives for empowerment
Anna Anzani, Ada Piselli,
Care, community and reuse of places
Umberto Tolino,
Designing digital media. Towards a user-centric approach for public communication strategies
Martina Motta, Rachele Didero,
When technology becomes harmful. The contribution of designers at a crossroads between fashion, digital and ethics

Contributors: Anna Anzani, Valeria Bucchetti, Daniela Anna Calabi, Rachele Didero, Davide Fassi, Martina Motta, Adam Nocek, Elettra Panepinto, Francesca Piredda, Ada Piselli, Silvia Pizzocaro, James Postell, Virginia Tassinari, Umberto Tolino, Francesco Vergani, Salvatore Zingale

Serie: Design International - Open Access

Subjects: Architecture, Design, Art, Urban and Regional Studies

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