Evolving Perspectives in Product Design

Lucia Rampino

Evolving Perspectives in Product Design

From Mass Production to Social Awareness

In a time when profound sociocultural and technological changes are affecting the design discipline, this book presents a number of consolidated and emerging issues in product design under four dominant perspectives: technical, human, digital and social. Different perspectives underlying modifications and adaptations of the design concept, together with the fixed elements that have characterized product design since its inception during the Industrial Revolution, are the subjects of analysis and discussion in the present book.

Pages: 236

ISBN: 9788835143703

Edizione:1a edizione 2022

Publisher code: 10319.18

Info about Open Access books

In a time when profound sociocultural and technological changes are affecting the design discipline, this book presents a number of consolidated and emerging issues in product design under four dominant perspectives: technical, human, digital and social. It might be said that these changes in perspective are mainly a matter of zooming out. Indeed, while the initial focus of the book is restricted to the product and its technical features, it soon becomes wider, also including users, then taking into account a complex system of interconnected stakeholders and digital products, and, finally, embracing society as a whole. Like all perspectives, each clarifies some aspects and stresses some features of the design discipline, at the same time making other features less relevant.
Specific perspectives typically emerge earlier in some parts of the world than in others, in some social classes than in others, in some industries than in others. Moreover, later perspectives build upon, rather than replace, earlier ones: many of an earlier perspective's tools and methods do not lose their value as the design discourse moves on to a new perspective. As a consequence, multifaceted perspectives on product design today coexist. These different perspectives underlying modifications and adaptations of the design concept, together with the fixed elements that have characterized product design since its inception during the Industrial Revolution, are the subjects of analysis and discussion in the present book. In it, the author uses different disciplinary references, not just from design, but also from history, marketing, engineering and even law. The book results in a read useful to design students and practitioners, but also to other professionals interested in product design.

Lucia Rampino
is a Ph.D. in Industrial Design and a Full Professor at the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano. Her core field of research is product design, with a focus on theories of design and the nature of design processes, in particular as they pertain to innovation. In recent years, her attention has focused on the impact of AI and digital technology on both the design process and the outcome. She has participated in various research projects and serves as a reviewer for Design Journals and Conferences. She is currently leading the Doctoral Programme in Design at Politecnico di Milano.

Lucia Rampino, Consolidated and Emerging Issues in Product Design
(Four Economies in Western Societies; Four Perspectives in Product Design; The Structure of the Book; References)
The Design Discipline
Lucia Rampino, A Supple Discipline
(Between Science and Art; A Young Discipline; An Indeterminate Nature; Our focus; References)
Lucia Rampino, A Third Area of Human Knowledge
(The Modern Paradigm of Art; Design under the Paradigm of Art; The Modern Paradigm of Science; Design under the Paradigm of Science; Neither Art nor Science; References)
The Technical Perspective
Lucia Rampino, Product Design in the Industrial Economy
(The Industrial Revolution; The Consumer Economy; Industrial Design: Art at the Service of Industry; Design for Mass Production: Past and Present; References)
Lucia Rampino, The New Product Development Process
(Innovation Processes within Companies; The Main Phases of the NPD Process; The role of Product Design in the NPD Process; Design and the Others: An Uneasy Relationship; References)
Lucia Rampino, Protecting Intellectual Property
(Industrialization and the Desire to Protect Ideas; A Varied Family of IP Tools; Defending the Multi-Faceted Value of Design; The Dissemination of Piracy and Counterfeiting: The Fashion Industry; The Flip Side of the Coin: Free and Shared Knowledge; References)
The Human Perspective
Lucia Rampino, Product Design in the Experience Economy
(Sixties Emancipation; Postmodernism in Art; Life-styles and Brands; Designing the User Experience; References)
Lucia Rampino, How Designers Tame Wicked Problems
(The Last Mile: Non-Western Humans, Non-Human Species; References)
Lucia Rampino, Sara Colombo, Designing Products to Foster Socially-Responsible Behavior
(Design for Behavior Change; Four Different Strategies Used to Influence Users; Designing for Sustainable Behavior; 'Peace Time': Persuading Users to Save Electricity; 'FEEL': Seducing Users into Saving Water; Different Strategies for Different Aims; References
Sara Colombo, Morals, Ethics, and the New Design Conscience
(Contributing Technologies; New Landscapes for Design; Moral and Ethical Considerations; Seeking a Symbiosis Between Humans and Technology; From 'possible' to 'favourable' futures; References)

Contributors: Sara Colombo, Riccardo Gatti, Francesca Mattioli

Serie: Design International - Open Access

Subjects: Architecture, Design, Art, Urban and Regional Studies

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