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Living, Working and Travelling.

A cura di: Francesco Scullica, Elena Elgani

Living, Working and Travelling.

New Processes of Hybridization for the Spaces of Hospitality and Work

The focus of this research is mainly on the relationship and the hybridization processes between hospitality spaces (mainly hotels and hostels) and workspaces for knowledge worker (offices, smart-office, co-working, hubs) in the field of interior design.

Pagine: 290

ISBN: 9788891777201

Edizione:1a edizione 2019

Codice editore: 319.7

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Pagine: 290

ISBN: 9788891794833

Edizione:1a edizione 2019

Codice editore: 319.7

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: ePub con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

The research project titled "Living, working, travelling: Interior design for new scenarios between hospitality and work field", financed by FARB Fondo Ateneo Ricerca di Base of the Design Department - Politecnico di Milano 2015-2016, started from the assumption that in the contemporary society we witness both physical and virtual "mobile lives" (Elliot, Urry, 2010). This attitude involves new concepts related to the design of the spaces that are investigated in the book trough researches and didactic activities in order to define new ways of living, working and travelling, and to identify which kind of spaces are generated by the contemporary transformations. The research explores and describes these new spatial models with the specific approach of the design of interiors, focused on the space but also on the processes and systems of relationships between spaces-furniture-services and communication methods. During the research, developed by the research team, coordinated by prof. Francesco Scullica: S. Piardi, G. Simonelli, L. Guerrini, A. Anzani, M. Bertolo, M. R. Fossati, E. Elgani, C. Pagni, G. Veronese, the focus is mainly on the relationship and the hybridization processes between hospitality spaces (mainly hotels and hostels) and workspaces for knowledge worker (offices, smart-office, co-working, hubs) in the field of interior design.

Francesco Scullica
, Architect, PhD in Interior Architecture, Francesco is Associate Professor in industrial design at the Design department - Politecnico di Milano. He carries out research, teaching and consulting in the field of hospitality and he is the author of many publications and researches. Involved into the interior and the furnishing product design, the relationship with the areas related to management, the corporate image and services in a complex system like the hotel building. Since 2012 he is scientific director of the Master in Interior Design - Polidesign. He contributed in many conferences and events discussing the trends and new design scenarios dedicated to hospitality.

Elena Elgani
, Architect, PhD in Interior Architecture and Exhibition Design at Politecnico di Milano. She's currently developing her research and professional practice in the field of interior architecture and design focusing on the system of contemporary hospitality (hotel, hostels, urban camping), temporary architecture and exhibitions. She is also interested in trends research for the interior design field and future lifestyles. Since 2010 she collaborates as assistant lecturer in interior architecture and interior design at Politecnico di Milano, being involved in several didactic activities: research projects, lectures, mentoring for thesis, workshops. Since 2016 she has worked as adjunct professor at School of Design, Politecnico di Milano.

Silvia Piardi, Luisa Collina, Foreword
Francesco Scullica, Elena Elgani,
The "Living, Working and Travelling: Interior Design for New Scenarios Between Work and Hospitality Field" Research Project Development
The Scenario of Hybridization
Francesco Scullica, A New Concept of Hospitality
Elena Elgani,
A New Paradigm of Work
Elena Elgani,
The Balance Between Self-Care and Work-Life
Francesco Scullica, Elena Elgani
, The Response of the Design World to the Current Changes: Hybridization of Functional Spaces and Definition of New Spatial Typologies
Gisella Veronese, Framing New Spaces for New Behaviours
Cinzia Pagni,
Trends and Languages of Hybrid Interiors
The Contemporary Working Landscape
Giuliano Simonelli, Vanessa Monna, Co-working: Working Spaces in a Liquid Society
Silvia Piardi,
Move on
Alessia Mansutti,
H-Office. Living, Working, Travelling during the Office Revolution
Marta Redigolo, Elena Vezzali,
Hybrid Space #1; BASE, Milan, 2016
The Contemporary Hospitality Landscape
Luca Guerrini, New Hospitality: Investigating the Meaning of Hybrid
Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete,
New Models of Hospitality and Work. The Project Between the Experiential, Narrative and Community Dimensions
Marta Redigolo,
Hybrid Space #2; Zoku, Amsterdam, 2016
Elena Vezzali,
Hybrid Space #3; SCHANI Hotel, Wien, 2015
Hybridization in the City
Imma Forino, The City/Office Hybridization and the Inclusive Workspace: Paradigms from the Fifties to the Contemporary Age
Anna Anzani, Claudia Caramel, Emilio Lonardo,
Hybridization and Reuse of Existing Buildings
Maresa Bertolo,
Gameplay and the Public Shared Space
Didactic Experience
Petter •yan, Knut Boge, A New Generation of Higher Education Learning Arenas
Francesca Murialdo, Ruth Bonazza, Peter Thomas,
From Writing Spaces to a Writing Home: Encouraging Belonging Through Spatial Design
Ulrich Schendzielorz,
Aligning Staff-friendly Working Environments with Output Performance Requirements
Peter Di Sabatino,
Memory, Tradition, and Modernity: A Design Studio's Exploration and Expression
The International Conference HOW HOspitality&Workscape
Elena Elgani, Learning by Design: International Didactic Experiences during the FARB Research
The Round Table at HOW Conference
Maria Rosanna Fossati, Hybrid Approaches and Tools for Hybrid Spaces: Designing Experience's Accessibility for All
Francesco Scullica, Elena Elgani, Considerations on the Design Process of Contemporary Welcoming Spaces
General Bibliography
Author's Profiles

Contributi: Anna Anzani, Maresa Bertolo, Knut Boge, Ruth Bonazza, Claudia Caramel, Luisa Collina, Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Peter Di Sabatino, Imma Forino, Maria Rosanna Fossati, Luca Guerrini, Emilio Lonardo, Alessia Mansutti, Vanessa Monna, Francesca Murialdo, Petter Oyan, Cinzia Pagni, Silvia Piardi, Marta Redigolo, Ulrich Schendzielorz, Giuliano Simonelli, Peter Thomas, Gisella Veronese, Elena Vezzali

Collana: Design International

Argomenti: Design degli interni e arredamento - Design dei servizi e delle esperienze

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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