
A cura di: Sabina Langer, Evi Agostini, Denis Francesconi, Nazario Zambaldi


Polis is understood in a very broad sense: living together in a complex world and society where all differences can find a way to coexist, where there is conviviality, good politics and active citizenship, as well as personal and shared responsibility arising from concern for the common good. Ecology and arts based research can provide a framework for individual and collective learning, with the aim of defining and constructing an inclusive and sustainable polis.

Pagine: 280

ISBN: 9788835166825

Edizione:1a edizione 2024

Codice editore: 10359.1

Informazioni sugli open access

Polis is understood in a very broad sense: living together in a complex world and society where all differences can find a way to coexist, where there is conviviality, good politics and active citizenship, as well as personal and shared responsibility arising from concern for the common good. The idea of choosing polis as the focus for the first PEA - Pedagogy, Ecology and the Arts conference in Merano (Italy) in September 2023 stems from the curators' strong emphasis on the social dimension and their interest in a pedagogy that is convivial, collaborative and ecological in an intersubjective and political sense. Ecology and arts-based research can provide a framework for individual and collective learning, with the aim of defining and constructing an inclusive and sustainable polis.
The authors of the chapters are researchers and practitioners from all over Europe: Italy, Austria, Germany, Greece and Denmark. Each author has succeeded in combining either two or all three pillars of PEA, i.e., pedagogy, ecology and the arts, and the editors have structured the book around the three themes, highlighting the focus of each chapter. During the conference, the papers were presented in the form of keynote speeches, oral presentations and workshops, which have been adapted and compiled in this book. The final contributions were enriched by dialogues and exchange of ideas that took place during the conference. We hope that reading this book will allow readers to experience some of the convivial and interactive spirit that characterized the PEA conference.

The PEA conference is curated by Sabina Langer, Evi Agostini, Denis Francesconi and Nazario Zambaldi. It aims to bring together learning and education, ecological thinking and the visual and performing arts in order to discuss the human and more-than-human conditions in an innovative way and from an individual and societal perspective. The three first letters of the three main themes - Pedagogy, Ecology and the Arts - form the word "PEA": a legume, round and green. The curators like this play on words because of the irony, the humility of intent to be small and yet together, like peas growing in pods. Like a single pea, humans can achieve very little without the support of the community, society, and the rest of the world.

Sabina Langer, Evi Agostini, Denis Francesconi, Nazario Zambaldi, Polis. PEA - Pedagogy, Ecology and the Arts
Siegfried Baur, From the development of equality in difference to an education for the future
Hans Karl Peterlini,
Pedagogy of Sensitivity. Problems and potentials for overcoming dichotomous perceptions
Ines Giunta, Critique of bewilderment. For an ecological moral education
Victoria Konidari, The symbiotic autonomy of polis. Leading schools to be critical infrastructures
Sabina Langer,
A school for participation and the common good. Milani and Langer to inspire committed teachers
Angelica Disalvo,
Polis crisis, ecosystem resilience, and schools. What strategies to support Italian teachers?
Georgios Bestias,
Korczak's pedagogy and its contribution to the promotion of active citizenship at school
Anja Thielmann,
School for a solidary society. Philosophy for children as an access to critical and empathic thinking within polis
Ulrike Barth, Angelika Wiehl,
Without creativity and dialogue there is no pedagogy! Perceptual vignettes as phenomenological-creative and reflexive-collegial method
Tamara Peer, Sandra Matschnigg-Peer,
School as a bridge between the 'small' and the 'big' world. School as a polis?
Brigitta Pia Alioto, Giacomo Zavatta, The enactive value of education. Form learning brain to learning consciousness
Luana Silveri,
Board games for citizenship education, insights from the experience of YouTopia LAB
Jeanette Hoffmann,
LUNA - Children talking about the moon, imagining fictional worlds of living in harmony with nature
Daniela Lehner, On regenerative futures. Pedagogies of reconnection
Gregor Eckert, Nina Grünberger,
Envisioning futures with the means of art. A pedagogical approach of polis in the context of education for sustainable development (ESD)
Cinzia Zadra, Maria Ventura,
Exploring education in the school-polis. Intersections between place-based education and public pedagogy
KEATS Aps - Kantiere Educativo per Azioni Trasformative,
Educational practices for building social ties. TEDDY per il quartiere, a collective resignification of the neighbourhood
Alessia Rosa, Michela Bongiorno,
Truth dare create in the city spaces. Educational practices to support the creativity of children between three and six years old
Gina Chianese, Barbara Bocchi,
Beyond the classroom. Innovating learning environments in dialogue with the city
Maddalena Sottocorno,
The community-based digital archiving practice in a pedagogical perspective. Reflections for a more sustainable city
The Arts
Nazario Zambaldi, Andrea Piccardo, Cinema as research. From Monte Olimpino to the cinema of children and "madmen"
Carla Cardinaletti,
The relational depth of field. The experience of the 00A Gallery between Merano and Trento
Sibilla Montanari,
Collective agency in socio-ecological systems evaluated through theatre-based research
Laura Corbella,
Pedagogical improvisation. Embracing the unexpected in school teaching
Alessandro Tollari,
Eutopia, or: let's do as if the performing arts can educate to a more-than-human coexistence
Petra Iris Grabowski,
From art to empathy. Investigating the influence of arts education on Social and Emotional Learning of adolescents
Sara Baroni,
Building resilience and resistance in emergency. The polis as a network
Paola Crespi,
Rudolf Laban's polis. How to live together rhythmically
The Authors.

Contributi: Brigitta Pia Alioto, Sara Baroni, Ulrich Barth, Siegfried Baur, Georgios Bestias, Barbara Bocchi, Michela Bongiorno, Carla Cardinaletti, Gina Chianese, Laura Corbella, Paola Crespi, Angelica Disalvo, Gregor Eckert, Ines Giunta, Petra Iris Grabowski, Nina Grünberger, Jeanette Hoffmann, KEATS Aps, Victoria Konidari, Daniela Lehner, Sandra Matschnigg-Peer, Sibilla Montanari, Tamara Peer, Hans Karl Peterlini, Andrea Piccardo, Alessia Rosa, Luana Silverii, Maddalena Sottocorno, Anja Thielmann, Alessandro Tollari, Maria Ventura, Angelika Wiehl, Cinzia Zadra, Giacomo Zavatta

Collana: Ecologie della formazione - Open Access

Argomenti: Architettura, design, territorio - Didattica, scienze della formazione - Comunicazione

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