Quality Care for Quality Aging.

A cura di: Dario Zanon, Emilio Gregori

Quality Care for Quality Aging.

Home care services in six European countries and regions

This volume is an overview of the present situation of Home care services in six European countries and regions. The analysis wants to focus on a particular typology of Social Services of General Interest which is the Home Care services and interventions in the context of the Long Term Care Systems for elderly people, in order to support new policies and intervention strategies.

Pages: 240

ISBN: 9788856839173

Edition: 1a edizione 2011

Publisher code: 294.35

Availability: Buona

Pages: 240

ISBN: 9788856866513

Edizione:1a edizione 2011

Publisher code: 294.35

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate: Sì

Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

This volume is an overview of the present situation of Home care services in six European countries and regions. The analysis shown are part of the preliminary research activities of the project "Quality Care for Quality Aging. European Indicators for Home Health Care", financed by European Commission, Directorate general employment, social affairs and inclusion, under the specific Progress Programme 2007-2013.
Quality Care for Quality Aging project (QCQA) starts from the assumption that Social Services of General Interest (SSGI) will constitute the main tool able to face the increasing needs of old people in condition of non self sufficiency. The project wants to focus on a particular typology of SSGI which is the Home Care services and interventions in the context of the Long Term Care Systems for elderly people, in order to support new policies and intervention strategies both at European and National level.

Dario Zanon , District Director for the Local Health Authority number 10 "Veneto Orientale" of the Veneto Region and project manager of the QCQA project. He has a widespread experience at international and European level. He has been project manager in many European and transnational projects in the field of public health and social policy.
Emilio Gregori , Executive Director of Synergia. He is expert in the field of quality assessment, statistics and operational research methodologies. He is responsible of the scientific coordination of multidisciplinary working teams of several projects on the topic of social and health programmes and interventions delivered by public instituzions.

Luigi Mauri, Dario Zanon, Introduction
Dario Zanon, Emilio Gregori, Adriano Abiusi, Antonio Di Gennaro, The Italian Context
(Long term care in Italy: a situation of institutional delay; The Main Services; Demographic structure of population; Elderly health condition; The Veneto Region; The Basilicata region)
Arja Peipponen, Anna-Liisa Niemela, Anna-Liisa Lyytinen, Minna Saila, The Finnish Context
(Legislation of health care in Finland; Social and Health Care Services; Demographic Structure of Population; Health conditions and self-sufficiency of elderly; Income of Pensioners in Finland; Elderly Services in Helsinki; Conclusions)
Marie Paule Connan, Virginie Adant, The Belgian Context
(Characteristics of the Belgian legislative system; Organisational system of elderly home care; Aging Scenario; Conclusions)
Gunther Lorenz, The German Context
(The socio-demographic development of the population in Germany; The Home Care Services; The Land of Brandenburg; Appendix - Table - Germany)
Gotzone Mora Temprano, The Spanish Context
(The Spanish National System; The socio-health care system of the Valencian Community concerning elderly; Socio-health care delivered and received in the Valencian Community)

Contributors: Adriano Abiusi, Virginie Adant, Marie Paule Connan, Antonio di Gennaro, Gunther Lorenz, Anna-Liisa Lyytinen, Luigi Mauri, Gotzone Mora Temprano, Anna-Liisa Niemela, Arja Peipponen, Minna Saila, Kristine Stempien

Serie: Demos - Percorsi, culture, trasformazioni

Subjects: Eldercare

Level: Scholarly Research

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