The Present and Future of Symbolic Interactionism.

A cura di: Andrea Salvini, David Altheide, Carolina Nuti

The Present and Future of Symbolic Interactionism.

Proceedings of the International Symposium, Pisa 2010. Vol. II

This collection of selected paper by many people engaged or interested in Symbolic Interactionism, illustrates well the wide horizon of application of this perspective in many substantive theoretical and empirical dimensions.

Pages: 288

ISBN: 9788820402389

Edition: 1a edizione 2012

Publisher code: 1520.719.2

Availability: Buona

Pages: 288

ISBN: 9788856860603

Edizione:1a edizione 2012

Publisher code: 1520.719.2

Can print: No

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Can annotate: Sì

Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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This is the second Volume of the Proceedings of the International Symposium on The Present and Future of Symbolic Interactionism held in Pisa, 3-5 June 2010, sponsored by the University of Pisa, the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI) and the Italian Sociological Association (AIS). This collection of selected papers by many people engaged or interested in Symbolic Interactionism and constructionism well illustrates the wide horizon of application in many substantive theoretical fields and empirical dimensions of this perspective. The essays included in the book span from the analysis of interpersonal relations to that of the impact of public policy, from the issues concerning the self and the body to those relating to media, religion, exclusion and diversity.

David Altheide , PhD, is Emeritus Regents' Professor on the Faculty of Justice and Social Inquiry in the School of Social Transformation at Arizona State University. His work has focused on the role of mass media and information technology in social control. His most recent book is Terror Post 9/11 and the Media (Lang, 2009). Dr. Altheide received the Cooley Award three times, the 2005 George Herbert Mead Award for lifetime contributions from the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, and the society's Mentor Achievement Award in 2007.
Andrea Salvini , PhD, is Professor of Methodology of Social Research at the University of Pisa. His present theoretical and empirical interests are in Symbolic Interactionism and in Social Network Analysis that have been applied to the study of voluntary organizations, social work and community studies. Among his most recent works are: Symbolic Interactionism and Social Network Analysis: An Uncertain Encounter (2010), Network Theories for Healthier Communities (2011), The Return of Symbolic Interactionism in Italy (2012).
Carolina Nuti is a PhD student in History and Sociology of Modernity at the University of Pisa. She is conducting ethnographic research focusing on traditional religion and her present interest are on how qualitative methods can be used to study religious practices. She has also been collaborating on research projects about volunteering and volunteers' identity. Among her recent works are Do I Have a Healthy Faith? When Religion Affect Health (2011).

David L. Altheide, Andrea Salvini, Preface
Part I. Theoretical and Methodological Advances in Contemporary Symbolic Interactionism
Andrey Melnikov, John M. Johnson, Existential and Sociological Interpretations of the Concepts "Situation" and "Context"
Andrea Sormano, Transcription as Interaction
Claudia Damari, From Durkheim to Goffman: collective consciousness and meta-frame
Patrick William Csilla Weninger, Applying Goffman's assumptions about communication to a new media environment
Claudia Santoni, The construction of identity in social interaction
Alfredo Givigliano, Symbolic Interactionism: a processual point of view
Lorenza Gattamorta, Mead and Peirce: Reflexive Self, Language and Sociality
Carolina Nuti, Symbolic Interactionism and Religion
Rosalba Perrotta, Being a Symbolic Interactionist in Italy: My True Story
Vincenzo Mele, George Simmel's Sociology of Sociability: contemporary and historical remarks
Riccardo Venturini, Blumer and the Problem of Concept in the Social Sciences
Part II. Symbolic Interactionism, Culture, Media and Dramaturgy
Christopher J. Schneider, American crime media in Canada: Law & Order and the definition of the situation
Anna Liv Jonsson, Concentration. Presence. Laissez-faire! Creating roles at the theatre
Vincenzo Romania, Passing: a cross concept between symbolic interactionism and cultural studies. An empirical application of Garfinkel's and Ahmed's theory
Chiara Bassetti, Dis/comfort in bodily performance. Interactionally-grounded states of experience: the case of dancers
Giuseppe Toscano, How to turn a social interaction into a work of art? Performances, frames and reputational entrepreneurs
Irene Psaroudakis, Performance Practices for the Restructuring of the Self within Total Institutions
Tara Leah Prystawik-Karam, A Proliferation of Pick-ups: Trucks in Glace Bay, NS
Part III. Social Exclusion, Social Work, Social Policy
Salvatore La Mendola, Antonietta Migliore, We won't be the same anymore! Autoethnography of training for aspiring ethnographers
Dania Cordaz, Exploring Poverty Careers: a Study of Marginalized Groups in Livorno
Nicoletta Pavesi, The co-building of meanings in social work
Gabriele Tomei, Matteo Villa, Between rethoric and social practices: participation and evaluation in the new Tuscany welfare system.

Contributors: Chiara Bassetti, Dania Cordaz, Claudia Damari, Lorenza Gattamorta, Alfredo Givigliano, John Johnson, Anna Liv Jonsson, Salvatore La Mendola, Vincenzo Mele, Andrey Melnikov, Antonietta Migliore, Nicoletta Pavesi, Rosalba Perrotta, Tara Leah Prystawik-Karam, Irene Psaroudakis, Vincenzo Romania, Claudia Santoni, Christopher J. Schneider, Andrea Sormano, Gabriele Tomei, Giuseppe Toscano, Riccardo Venturini, Matteo Villa, Csilla Weninger, Patrick Williams

Serie: Sociologia

Subjects: Sociological Theory and History of Sociological Thought - Sociology of Cultural Processes

Level: Scholarly Research

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