La ricerca ha estratto dal catalogo 41 titoli

Irregular and flexible work. Results of an empirical research on youth unemployment in Reggio Calabria In this essay authors analyse the social behaviors of youth unemployment in Reggio Calabria, with specific reference to their irregular work experiences and their dispositions to emigrate toward contexts where it is easier to find a regular job. The qualitative empirical data collected show clearly as the high level of flexibility spread into the Italian labour market tends to discourage the propensity to emigration toward northern labour market. That is mainly for fear of trying out situations of job insecurity in country where they cannot activate their informal supports of social protection. In this perspective data also show as the family plays a very important role regarding the different coping strategies activated by youth unemployment to mediate the subjective risk of social exclusion.

C.I.Do.S.Pe.L., Michele La Rosa

Bologna 2004.

Secondo Rapporto sulla città

cod. 1529.2.86

Sonia Bertolini, Roberto Rizza


cod. 1529.97

C.I.Do.S.Pe.L., Michele La Rosa

Bologna 2002.

Primo rapporto sulla città

cod. 1529.2.61

Federico Chicchi

Derive sociali.

Precarizzazione del lavoro, crisi del legame sociale ed egemonia culturale del rischio

cod. 1529.2.57

Franco Lolli

Il tempo del panico

La figura psicopatologica del panico è una tra le figure più in evidenza nella civiltà ipermoderna. Questo libro prova a tratteggiarne i contorni ricorrendo non solo alla psicoanalisi ma anche ad altre chiavi di lettura, come quella filosofica, quella letteraria e cinematografica.

cod. 1030.9