Claudio Stanzani

Il Centro Ricerche e Documentazione rischi e danni da lavoro (1974-1985).

Uno studio storiografico, sociologico e giuridico di una stagione sindacale

Il volume intende ricostruire – da diversi approcci disciplinari, sociologici, storici, giuridici – le origini e gli sviluppi del Centro Ricerche e Documentazione rischi e danni da lavoro (CRD), un modello di intervento in tema di sicurezza del lavoro che ebbe, fra gli anni ’60 e ’70, una certa notorietà anche all’estero sotto il nome di “modello operaio italiano”. Frutto di una ricerca promossa dall’INAIL, il volume propone un’ampia documentazione di prima mano, di fonte operaia e sindacale.

cod. 1529.2.145

Fausta Guarriello, Claudio Stanzani

Trade union and collective bargaining in multinationals.

From international legal framework to empirical research

The contributions presented in this work analyze, from a range of complementary points of view, the results of the Euride study coordinated by SindNova over the period 2016-2017 and involving eleven European multinational corporations. Research efforts focused on mechanisms aimed at ensuring actual implementation of the transnational company agreements and the procedures for reporting any violations.

cod. 1529.2.136

Fausta Guarriello, Claudio Stanzani

Sindacato e contrattazione nelle multinazionali.

Dalla normativa internazionale all'analisi empirica

Presentando i risultati della ricerca EURIDE condotta nel 2016-2017 in undici imprese multinazionali europee, il volume intende fare il punto sui progressi fatti da alcune federazioni sindacali di settore europee o internazionali e comitati aziendali europei nella definizione di accordi-quadro internazionali che vertono sul rispetto dei diritti fondamentali dei lavoratori in tutte le filiali dell’impresa e spesso nelle catene di subfornitura globali.

cod. 1529.2.135

Marina Monaco, Claudio Stanzani

La responsabilità sociale delle imprese: la prospettiva europea


Fascicolo: 106-107 / 2007

After a promising beginning, where all the bearers of interests and the Commission as promoters, the debate about the social responsibility of enterprises seems arrived today at a stall point, with an only dominant actor, the entrepreneurial world. Great importance worries Europe of the ’90, and part of the strategy of Lisbona, the communitarian plan has been taken on the backseat by the priorities of economic increase, and then has been abandoned for a fictitious dialogue between social parts. The role that the public authority has not known or intentional play has left space nearly only the world of the business, where the same Commission was just the privileged interlocutor, constituting, in 2006, the European alliance. The impasse between a pure unilateral conception of the CSR, and a tightening regulation that uniforms and guarantees standard European minimums with instruments heteronymous and concerning a sanction, it could perhaps have been exceeded with a more incisive action of the Commission, also with soft legislation stimulating instruments, and that, embezzling the CSR to the single interests of enterprise, despite of a strategy of economic increase in a picture of responsible competitiveness.