The search has found 36 titles

Adriano Angelucci, Vincenzo Fano

Realism and antirealism in metaphysics, science and language

Festschrift for Mario Alai

The book includes several essays written by prominent contemporary philosophers as well as by younger researchers in honor of Mario Alai on the occasion of his 70th birthday. The book also includes an extensive reply written by Alai himself, which amply testifies to his lifelong commitment to passionate yet fair-minded philosophical debate.

cod. 490.113

Vincenzo Fano

Gino Tarozzi Philosopher of Physics

Studies in the philosophy of entanglement on his 60th birthday

Starting from the Thirties, Italy has been one of the leading countries in the development of physics. Gino Tarozzi has long been and still is one of the best Italian scholars in the field. The present volume collects several valuable contributions touching upon different philosophical problems, such as entanglement, realism, causality, quantum logic... In the occasion of Tarozzi’s 60th birthday many distinguished scholars, which collaborate with him, evaluate and discuss these topics.

cod. 490.107

Evandro Agazzi

Truth between semantics and pragmatics


Fascicolo: 1 / 2015

Truth had been excluded from the requirements of science after the so-called "foundational crisis" of the exact sciences (mathematics and physics) occurred between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. A formalistic outlook had imposed itself in the philosophy of science, from which meaning and truth were excluded. This approach, however, was seriously weakened after the discovery of the "internal limitations of formalisms" entailed by Goedel’s theorems, and Tarski almost at the same time advocated the legitimacy of meaning and truth for the formalized languages, calling "semantics" this part of the metatheoretical investigations. This terminology has remained standard especially in mathematical logic. One must note, however, that semantics regards in a proper sense the level of meaning, whereas truth implies in addition the reference of the language to some extralinguistic domain of entities. This domain is not accessible by means of logical, linguistic or conceptual analysis, but can be attained through "operations" of some concrete kind, whose nature determines also the ontological status of the referents. Operations belong to praxis, and this is why the notion of truth is more properly attributed to "pragmatics", understood not in the original Morris’ sense, but rather in a sense closer to pragmatism, in which the performance of actions is considered essential for providing criteria of truth.

Evandro Agazzi, Gerhard Heinzmann

The Practical Turn in Philosophy of Science

After Gödel’s results the limitations of the three principal “foundational schools” became more and more evident, while the “working scientists” continued their activity caring more for the acquisition of “results” than for logical rigor. This “pragmatic turn” was perceivable also in philosophy of science due to an influence of pragmatism that replaced the previous influence of logical empiricism and analytic philosophy.

cod. 490.109

The contributions of this book investigate systematically and historically many aspects of the relations between science, metaphysics and religion.

cod. 490.108

The papers collected in the present book deal with some of the most salient aspects of Turing’s whole work.

cod. 490.104

Representation and explanation are distinct notions in the philosophy of science, since the first can be defined as an answer to a how-question, and the second as an answer to a why-question. In particular, the task of providing explanations has been traditionally attributed to scientific theories. These notions, however, are also strictly interrelated, like shown by the variety of the approaches offered by the papers included in this volume.

cod. 490.103

Evandro Agazzi

Representations and scientific realism


Fascicolo: 1 / 2012

When it is spoken of scientific representations it is often understood that science can offer "only" representations but does not enable us to know reality. This tenet is the inheritance of a gratuitous and inconsistent presupposition that affected modern philosophy during almost two centuries, according to which we know our representations and not things, and we have to find warranties in order to believe that such representations correspond to reality (epistemological dualism). The present paper analyzes this presupposition, shows its inconsistency and, through a discourse regarding the relations between thought and ontology, between sense and reference of the intellectual constructions, between abstract encoding of properties and concrete exemplification of the same by means of operational criteria of reference, justifies the cognitive purport of scientific representations, including the mathematical representations of physical phenomena.

Evandro Agazzi

Ragioni e limiti del formalismo.

Saggi di filosofia della logica e della matematica

Una raccolta di alcuni dei principali saggi di Evandro Agazzi (difficilmente reperibili perché apparsi su riviste o in volumi collettivi, pubblicati, in parte, in lingua straniera), che hanno scandito la riflessione dell’autore sull’egemonia del formalismo e sulle ragioni dell’impossibilità di assolutizzarlo.

cod. 490.100

Maria Cristina Amoretti

Natura umana, natura artificiale

Fino a che punto i recenti sviluppi delle varie scienze che si occupano della mente hanno modificato l’immagine che abbiamo di noi stessi in quanto esseri umani? Il volume cerca di gettare una nuova luce sui rapporti che legano natura umana e natura artificiale, interrogandosi sulla possibilità di una mente “materiale” e sull’eventuale rilevanza del suo particolare substrato biologico.

cod. 490.96

Francesco Abbona, Giuseppe Del Re

Complessità dinamica dei processi educativi

Aspetti teorici e pratici

Un quadro del sistema educativo e dei suoi problemi alla luce della teoria dei sistemi, in un momento in cui l’argomento è ancora oggetto di dibattito e di ricerca. Un testo, nuovo per il lettore italiano, che raccoglie i contributi di docenti europei e americani appartenenti ad aree disciplinari molto diverse: filosofia, pedagogia, fisica, chimica, medicina, ingegneria, economia.

cod. 292.2.102

Isabella Lucchese, Rita Melillo

Le ragioni degli altri.

Scritti in onore di Domenico Antonino Conci

Un omaggio alla più che ventennale presenza nell’Università Suor Orsola Benincasa di Domenino Antonino Conci, la cui personalità si è imposta nelle Facoltà di Lettere e di Scienze della Formazione non solo per le qualità di studioso. Tradizioni popolari, arte, cinema, la conoscenza vasta e diretta dei classici hanno fatto di Conci un riferimento essenziale per l’Università tutta.

cod. 2000.1210