Tre volumi
Il volume raccoglie il tributo della comunità scientifica alla figura del prof. Umberto Bertini, grande scienziato e studioso.
cod. 10365.56
Tre volumi
Il volume raccoglie il tributo della comunità scientifica alla figura del prof. Umberto Bertini, grande scienziato e studioso.
cod. 10365.56
Principi e soluzioni nella prospettiva economico-aziendale
Il presente volume si pone l’obiettivo di investigare i concetti di crisi e di sviluppo sostenibile, anche attraverso gli effetti della pandemia da SARS-COV-2, inquadrando sia le attuali cause del disequilibrio aziendale, sia la proposizione di rinnovati modelli di governance e di business. Tali aspetti sono indagati a partire dalla visione sistemica dell’azienda, in un’ottica unitaria e integrata delle strategie che ne governano le condizioni di sopravvivenza e i processi di sviluppo.
cod. 10388.13
Various studies argue that non-financial information is particularly relevant for business stakeholders. To reduce the risks related to information asymmetries and "window dressing" practices and to enhance the credibility of non-financial information, the need for assurance has arisen. In recent years, scientific and professional interest in the issues related to the assurance of non-financial information has increased. Up to now, there have been very few studies on the evolution of non-financial disclosure (NFD) assurance, nor have scholars addressed the possible gaps and future research perspectives in this field. A systematic review is developed with the following aims: first, to explore the evolution of the NFD assurance literature by systematising academic studies (i.e., papers published in scientific journals) and professional contributions (i.e., papers published in non-scientific sources) from the auditing field, and second, to understand whether theory and practice have influenced each other in the field of NFD assurance, i.e., whether a bridge between theory and practice can be identified within this discourse. The main findings are the following: firstly, four stages can be identified in the evolution of the study of NFD assurance, and secondly, there is virtually no interaction between theory and practice, as practically no scientific papers are mentioned in professional papers, while academic scholars consider professional publications only as empirical data sources.
In dependence of the lack of resources and the consequent need to manage better the allocation process, there is a growing interest regarding the issue of research evaluation. In particular, it is possible to notice a more frequent use of bibliometrics and citation-based indexes (impact factor, h-index, eigenfactor, etc.). The aim of this paper is to analyse to what extent citation-based indexes can be used to evaluate the research in business economics. In order to achieve the above-mentioned aim, the paper proposes a review of the main indexes analyzing their pros and cons and then it tries to draw some critical conclusions with reference to the citation behavior and to the used data base. In the last section, the paper proposes some reflections regarding the use of citation-based indexes for evaluating the research in business economics.
Some would argue that during the last few decades the studies on IC measurements have mainly been focused on the design and implementation of accounting concepts, methods and tools while little attention has been devoted to the understanding of what happens to the measurements after they are ‘produced’, i.e. how measurements are used. Stemming from these considerations, the aim of this paper is to reflect on the relationship between design, implementation and use of IC measurements in practice. In order to achieve this aim, we present a longitudinal case study referred to the design, implementation and use (or non use) of an IC measurement and reporting system. The main findings are the following. First, measuring can lead to the emergence of new managerial objects. Second, it seems that in the IC discourse numbers are relevant not only for sizing but also for creating an IC dimension to be managed. Third, the use of measurements do not necessarily follow their production but can be instead, simultaneous. With reference to single indicators, the following considerations emerge. First, the inclusion of ‘old’ indicators within the IC measurement system can lead to a change in their meaning. Second, the use of the measurements depends on how they are labelled, too. Third, in an IC project, more than the ‘result’ it is the activated understanding and learning process that matters.
The recent commitment to an evaluation of the quality of research fostered by the ANVUR - Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca - National Agency for the Evaluation of University and Research (VQR 2004-2010) raised a number of questions about what is important to be assessed, which aspects are worthwhile (e.g. scientific quality, practical impact, internationalization etc.) and which methods and tools for measuring and evaluating are to be used (peer-reviewed journals, impact factors, journal rankings, etc.). (Coda, 2011; Palumbo, 2011; Dalli, 2012; Rebora, 2012; Sostero, 2012). Besides the quality of research strictu sensu, one of the aspects that could be considered in the evaluation is the so-called "impact" of research. Although neglected in the Italian system, this dimension is present, even if with different connotations, in some of the evaluation systems used in other countries (Palumbo, 2011; De Nicolao, 2013th, b; Sargiacomo, 2013). The purpose of this paper is to analyse and systematize the main national and international contributions dealing with the concept of "research impact" in order to propose the first critical reflections.
The relationship between ERP systems and MAS is a relevant topic for accounting scholars. This relationship has often been studied by observing the influence of the implementation of ERP systems on MAS in terms of its impact on accounting tools, available information or the accountant’s role. A limited number of studies have explored, instead, the inverse relationship, namely that one concerning the way MAS can influence the design, the implementation and the use of ERP systems. This paper aims to contribute to filling this gap. The bidirectional relationship between ERP systems and MAS is analysed through a case study, carried out in a medium-sized Italian firm. The findings show that the context, in this case a medium-sized firm, can play a relevant role in influencing the way the ERP system implementation affects the MAS, especially with regard to the controller’s role and tasks. At the same time, they also shed light on how the existing MAS, as well as the one which is influenced by the implementation of the ERP system, can shape the customization and the use of the ERP system.
Profili di gestione e di misurazione
Il volume propone un percorso di approfondimento intorno al tema degli intangibles, esaminandone gli aspetti di analisi, di gestione, di misurazione, di valutazione e di rappresentazione, attraverso una pluralità di prospettive e approcci metodologici. Indaga inoltre la concreta applicazione di alcuni dei concetti, metodi e strumenti proposti dalla letteratura nazionale e internazionale contribuendo a ridurre la distanza creatasi tra ricerca e realtà operativa.
cod. 365.717
cod. 380.322
cod. 366.2
Idee e strumenti dall'esperienza marchigiana
cod. 2000.1155