Stefano Vitali

L’Archivio di Guido Quazza come autobiografia


Fascicolo: 76 / 2009

Guido Quazza’s Archive as autobiography - Quazza (1922-1996) was a prominent Italian historian of Piedmont and Italy from XVIII to XX century. Since the II World War, when he participated as a partisan in the Resistance movement, he was an intellectual who took active part in various political, civil and cultural engagements. For all his life he was accumulating and arranging according to his personal but functional criteria, a vast archive, in which almost every aspect of his profession and public activities were documented. That archive can be considered a sort of autobiography and a mirror in which all his life is reflected, as the essays and the inventory prepared by Luciano Boccalatte. Keywords: Historiography, Archives, Autobiography, Tasca, History. Parole chiave: Storiografia, Archivi, Autobiografia, Tasca, Storia.

Costantino Cipolla, Annamaria Perino

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I Servizi sociali nei Comuni delle Ausl di Rimini e Bologna Nord

cod. 1341.2.6