The search has found 44 titles

Loretta Fabbri, Mario Giampaolo

Prefigurare professionalità future: i Piani per l’Orientamento e il Tutorato dei CdL L-19


Fascicolo: 1 / 2021

Nel novembre del 2019 il Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca pubblica il bando “Piani per l’orientamento e il tutorato”. Lo scopo è quello di innovare e supportare le azioni di orientamento e tutorato delle Università italiane. Il Corso di Laurea in Scienze dell’educazione e della formazione dell’Università di Siena, capofila di un network di 15 CdL L-19, 116 scuole e 101 organizzazioni del settore educativo e formativo, risponde al bando proponendo il progetto “Super – percorsi di orientamento etutorato per promuovere il successo universitario e professionale”. Il progetto ha come obiettivo quello di realizzare azioni di orientamento e tutorato per supportare le prefigurazioni professionali di studentesse e studenti. Il contributo descrive le caratteristiche generali del progetto che hanno guidato il coordinamento delle attività del network, le sfide e le ipotesi che hanno permesso di guardare all’orientamento e al tutorato in un’ottica innovativa e lontana dai modelli tradizionali.

Il volume riflette su temi quali la gestione delle risorse naturali, le conseguenze derivanti dalla crescente urbanizzazione, i limiti degli stati nazionali, l’importanza dei processi educativi e formativi nella costruzione di una società ecocompatibile, con l’obiettivo di ricomporre il complesso mosaico dello sviluppo sostenibile, quanto mai fondamentale per progettare il futuro della Terra.

cod. 1260.95

Loretta Fabbri, Alessandra Romano

Professionisti X. Quando lo sviluppo professionale non è prevedibile


Fascicolo: 112 / 2020

Il contributo articola una riflessione sulle nuove sfide per le professioni che sono elicitate dalle radicali trasformazioni in atto nel mondo del lavoro, sempre più digitalizzato, ubiquo e in rapido e costante cambiamento. Che cosa richiedono queste profonde e radicali trasformazioni ai professionisti? Quali interrogativi pon-gono ai sistemi formativi? Come si formano professionisti X, in grado di attraversare scenari lavorativi incerti e di farlo con capacità di immaginazione e competenza di creatività? L’articolo risponde a queste domande facendo riferimento agli studi sul neo-professionismo (Butera, 2020), agli studi sulle pratiche (Gherardi e Lippi, 2000; Sennett, 2000; Wenger, 2006) e agli studi organizzativi (Weick e Sutcliffe, 2010) che hanno offerto chiavi interpretative per intercettare le sfide future della ricerca sulle trasformazioni organizzative e professionali.

Paolo Federighi, Vanna Boffo, Loretta Fabbri, Giovanna del Gobbo, Francesca Torlone



Fascicolo: 112 / 2020

Nicolina Bosco

Immagini e apprendimento

Le metodologie image-based nella formazione dei futuri educatori

Il testo si concentra sul tema dell’apprendimento e sull’uso delle image-based methodologies applicate alla didattica universitaria. Dopo un’analisi teorica dei metodi visivi applicati alla pratica universitaria, viene presentata un’esperienza didattica image-based realizzata in aula con studenti e studentesse, per comprendere come promuovere l’apprendimento attivo di teorie e di metodi utili a gestire attività educative, sociali e formative a partire proprio dall’utilizzo degli artefatti iconici. Un volume per studenti, ricercatori e professionisti, che propone l’approfondimento scientifico di una metodologia didattica utilizzata nei contesti educativi, professionali e sociali.

cod. 292.2.158

Loretta Fabbri, Monica Fedeli, Claudio Melacarne



Fascicolo: 1 / 2019

Loretta Fabbri, ,Alessandra Romano

Costruire infiniti mondi professionali. Prospettive trasformative


Fascicolo: 2 / 2019

Young people, future, endless worlds are the key words that question the professional epistemology of the university faculty and the university itself as an organization. The thesis: the title intercepts the core problem that the academic community has been investigating for the recent years, namely the professionals who work within the organization called university. University right now is addressing the prefiguration of possible futures for itself as organization of research and training for the students. One of the main missions of higher education system is to prepare young people to face the challenges of the future. The question we want to stress here is how the university is gearing up to be an active agent in promoting the trajectories of the future society. And above all which conditions could hinder or facilitate its role of agency-orientation (Rieckmann, 2011).

Loretta Fabbri, Alessandra Romano

Didactic innovation and professionalization of knowledge. The case of the Teaching & Learning Center of University of Siena


Fascicolo: 2 / 2018

The article analyzes the learning paths, the organizational devices and the system actions taken aimed at the development of a didactics for employability within the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC), at University of Siena. The Teaching & Learning Center is a research and training center founded within the Santa Chiara Lab, a hub space for supporting the contamination between multidisciplinary research projects and the meeting between students, teachers and entrepreneurs. We would like to explore (a) how university centre for innovation can design and integrate learning paths and curricula for promoting the acquisition of practical skills useful for future professionals; (b) which methods and strategies are able to accompany professional development processes in university students; (c) which organizational supports are useful to promote sustainable didactic innovation in center for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education

Loretta Fabbri, Teresa Grange



Fascicolo: 1 / 2018

Claudio Melacarne, Loretta Fabbri



Fascicolo: 1 / 2017

Loretta Fabbri, Claudio Melacarne, Carlo Orefice, Mario Giampaolo

"Se i medici sapessero, se i pazienti potessero". Comunità di Pratiche di gestione della malattia oncologica


Fascicolo: 1 / 2016

"Se i medici sapessero se i pazienti potessero" is an Action-Research project sponsored by the Department of Education, Humanities and Intercultural Communication at the University of Siena, started in March 2016. Built on the experience and the literature that identifies the group as a resource and place of peer learning, the goal of the project is to determine whether, and under which conditions, it is possible to establish a Community of Practice (CoP) that allows a social approach to the oncologic disease, emphasizing the exchange of knowledge between participants who are interested in experimenting this new approach to and management of the treatment

Different perspectives have been developed starting from J. Mezirow’s work and several experiences and reflections were born after his work in 1991. Other researchers (Taylor, 2010) tried to translate some of the ideas of Trasformative Learning in educational practices (Hoggan, Simpson, Stuckey, 2009) and they used his works as a background for planning researches in several contexts. The experience described in this paper is developed from the experiences conducted in the Department of Education at the University of Siena where the Trasformative Learning Theory has been used by a group of professors as a back-ground to understand the ways in which a teaching process can change the meaning perspectives of a group of students in an higher education program

Loretta Fabbri, Claudio Melacarne



Fascicolo: 1 / 2016

Loretta Fabbri, Claudio Melacarne, Valerio Ferro Allodola

Apprendere dai contesti di pratica situata: modelli didattici innovativi nell’alternanza scuola-lavoro


Fascicolo: 1 / 2015

The projects of education and training with the methodology of "alternation between school and work" are possible for all students between 15° and 18° years of age, with the aim of making flexible the school training and connect the theoretical study of classroom with forms of learning activities in a professional context. It’s essential to connect a training alliance between teaching skills and the theme of the educational value of the work, as underlined by the guidelines issued to accompanying decrees, that set up the '"alternation". This, constantly, stress the importance that inside Curricula should take "the active teaching methods and the development of organic links with the world of work and the professions". So, that the workplace can be an important complement to the learning context of the classroom and the laboratory. Highlighting the importance of education and training of the work involves the fact that the school system no longer has a monopoly on the transmission of knowledge and co-exists with a variety of other educational agencies, especially businesses. We consider extremely important, in the light of these considerations, the formation of "teachers who organize activities in the "alternation" between school and work". The formation of this teaching specialist aims to outline a figure highly competent, in total support of the Headmaster and, possibly, as his collaborator chosen, as required by the text of the "Good School" in Italy.

Loretta Fabbri

Il tirocinio. Condizioni per apprendere dalla pratica


Fascicolo: 2 / 2014

The article analyzes some critical issues relating to the organization of internship in the formation of education professionals within the university courses. Education requires innovative teaching capable of crossing the boundaries between theory and practice. The internship is a learning setting increasingly important, because it is the bridge that allows students to interact with the workplace and professional practices. Listen to the students is a methodology of organizational development with which they can acquire important knowledge on the procedures with which to improve the activities of teaching/learning. The Author has proposed students to conduct qualitative research aimed to detect: - if and when what has been learned during the course of study was useful to manage the internship activities; - what students learn and what they do not learn during the internship experience; - what are the problems and the potential of that experience; - the proposals and suggestions that they wanted to do to the teachers and the institutions that received them. The article discusses the results of this research and, in general, we can say that the internship is identified as the area where the disciplines lose their ‘academic’ connotation and constitute the conceptual tools and patterns of intervention able to put in to know and understand the workplace.