Considerazioni sull'analisi dei dati come fase del processo di ricerca in psicologia

Journal title DiPAV - QUADERNI
Author/s Riccardo Sartori
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2008/22
Language Italian Pages 12 P. 127-138 File size 365 KB
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Considerazioni sull'analisi dei dati come fase del processo di ricerca in psicologia Researchers carrying out their inquiries in psychology are usually more attentive to such aspects of research as context (literature, theories, models, etc.), constructs to be measured, tools to be used (if already existing or made ad hoc), hypotheses to be tested and final discussion. They are instead less trained on data analysis. This is seen sometimes as an insurmountable obstacle, sometimes as an automatism that someone else can deal with, better if in the space of half an hour, sometimes as a solution of faults that are unfortunately of the tool, the sample or even the general structure of research. For all these reasons, it is still quite a common practice that a researcher in psychology carries out a research thinking that the data will be analyzed by someone else, more capable and clever. The present paper wants to remind researchers in psychology that data analysis is a stage of their research, in order to let them think about the possibility of carrying it out by themselves, instead of automatically delegating others to do it.

Riccardo Sartori, Considerazioni sull'analisi dei dati come fase del processo di ricerca in psicologia in "DiPAV - QUADERNI" 22/2008, pp 127-138, DOI: