Integrazione dei sistemi Cup: aspetti tecnologici e aspetti organizzativi

Journal title SALUTE E SOCIETÀ
Author/s Stefano Micocci, Andrea Trabucco
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2009/Suppl. 1
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 40-57 File size 685 KB
DOI 10.3280/SES2009-SU1005
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Integrazione dei sistemi Cup: aspetti tecnologici e aspetti organizzativi - The management of waiting times within the access system to sanitary services represents a highly critic factor for the sanitary system, because it negatively affects the perception of quality by the citizen, limiting the guarantee of an equal access. The reorganisation of the Cup system represents a central point in the administration of the sanitary offer to the Emilia Romagna Region, due to the maximum exploitation of the synergies with other technological and social networks (SOLE/Toll-free regional number/Monitoring networks for the performance control). The projects "Sparta" and "Cup Integratore" focus on technological and re-organisational aspects, in order to foster not only equity and the fruition of outpatient services, but also the definition and implementation of access system based on clinical priorities, and on the principle of providing for the citizen in order to guarantee the maximum respect of waiting times. It is finally illustrated the latest online access, capable of guaranteeing an availability which is intended to more and more conform to the citizens’ modern lifestyles regarding their approach to the Health P.A.

Keywords: Cup system; clinical priorities; equal access; waiting lists; health care; system.

Stefano Micocci, Andrea Trabucco, Integrazione dei sistemi Cup: aspetti tecnologici e aspetti organizzativi in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" Suppl. 1/2009, pp 40-57, DOI: 10.3280/SES2009-SU1005