George L. Mosse e la "nazionalizzazione delle masse" in Italia: un dibattito televisivo del 1976

Author/s Donatello Aramini
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2010/1
Language Italian Pages 17 P. 79-95 File size 602 KB
DOI 10.3280/MON2010-001003
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George L. Mosse and the «Nationalization of the Masses» in Italy: a TV Debate of 1976 - Since its publication in March 1975, Mosse’s The Nationalization of the Masses stirred up an intense debate among Italian historians. Mosse’s book was so popular that the public Italian television (Rai) dedicated to him an episode of the TV show Settimo Giorno, by Enzo Siciliano. The document published here is the transcription of the episode aired on 18th January 1976, in which Mosse answered some questions and comments expressed by the anchorman and by four important Italian scholars (Franco Valsecchi, Aldo Garosci, Augusto Del Noce and Paolo Chiarini). Mosse explained the main and more important elements of his research, such as the role of the French Revolution as a phenomenon which initiated mass politics, and the deep ideological differences between Fascism and Nazism. The document presented focus on some fragments of an intense historical debate developed in those years about Fascism, Nazism and, more generally, about the methodology to be employed in the study and understanding of the Twentieth century history, and the role played in it by irrationalism.

Keywords: George L. Mosse, nationalization of the masses, history of historiography, Fascism, Nazism, New politics

Donatello Aramini, George L. Mosse e la "nazionalizzazione delle masse" in Italia: un dibattito televisivo del 1976 in "MONDO CONTEMPORANEO" 1/2010, pp 79-95, DOI: 10.3280/MON2010-001003