Taking care of young offenders: Emotional skills and the role of the professionals

Author/s Aluette Merenda, Paola Miano, Carmela Polizzi, Rosalba Salierno
Publishing Year 2011 Issue 2011/2
Language Italian Pages 21 P. 33-53 File size 881 KB
DOI 10.3280/MAL2011-002003
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The intervention models aimed at young offenders highlight factors which may enhance the effectiveness of care, such as: Rehabilitation Centres during the judicial process, the involvement of parents, contact with the network of services and the management of the emotions that the process of accountability entails. The difficulties inherent in the work of social workers who look after minors accused of committing sexual abuse suggest that they are affected by the crime itself, as well as any emotional reactions that are consequently aroused. Within a larger study, which analyses the personal, familiar and socio-cultural variables of a group of 133 minors accused of committing sexual abuse, this study highlights the ways in which to charge a minor at the Palermo Office of Social Services for Juveniles and investigates the actions of young offenders within a framework of meaning.

Keywords: Young offenders, social workers, sexual abuse, emotional skills

Aluette Merenda, Paola Miano, Carmela Polizzi, Rosalba Salierno, La presa in carico dei minori abusanti: ruolo degli operatori e competenze emotive in "MALTRATTAMENTO E ABUSO ALL’INFANZIA" 2/2011, pp 33-53, DOI: 10.3280/MAL2011-002003