Diversification strategies for sustaining small-scale fisheries activity: A multidimensional integrated approach

Author/s Giuseppina Carrà, Iuri Peri, Gabriella Antonella Vindigni
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/1
Language English Pages 21 P. 79-99 File size 312 KB
DOI 10.3280/RISS2014-001006
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The paper suggests that the diverse livelihoods could properly be taken into account to endeavour the effort for more sustainable, flexible and adaptive small-scale fisheries. Diversification contributes to increase income and well-being, thereby providing an adaptive model that is consistent with the concepts of empowerment and social inclusion. Strategies embedded in the regional/local situation could provide results in order to involve individuals, and groups of actors and stakeholders in a decision making process based on an operational approach. The study described in this article is aimed at encouraging and strengthening the diversification activities of small-scale fisheries in the Ionian coastal area of Sicily. The cognitive maps and the AHP method have been used to work with groups of actors, experts and stakeholders active in the local coastal area through a structured and personalized process aimed at creating a shared visions of strategic actions directed to the policy makers.

Keywords: Small-scale fisheries; Diversification strategies; Sustainable wellbeing; Sustainability; Participatory approach; Cognitive map; Analytical Hierarchic Process.

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Giuseppina Carrà, Iuri Peri, Gabriella Antonella Vindigni, Diversification strategies for sustaining small-scale fisheries activity: A multidimensional integrated approach in "RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA'" 1/2014, pp 79-99, DOI: 10.3280/RISS2014-001006