Right as a Moral End. Some Remarks on the Concept of "Progress" in Late Kantian Philosophy.

Author/s Filippo Gonnelli
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/3
Language Italian Pages 32 P. 443-474 File size 122 KB
DOI 10.3280/SF2014-003003
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The essay provides a reconstruction of the argument on moral progress expounded by Kant in §§ 1-7 of the Second Part of The Conflict of the Faculties (An Old Question Raised Again: Is the Human Race Constantly Progressing?). The reconstruction is carried out from a systematic perspective, that is considering the argument within the relationship between nature and freedom as it is developed in previous historical writings (especially in the Idea for a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Point of View) and in the Critique of the Power of Judgement. The argument is shown to be the only one that can meet the conditions implied by the "nomothetic of freedom" described in the third Critique (§ 87) and, also, the only one that is able to justify Kant’s thesis, which appeared after the French Revolution, that the institution of the "rightful condition" (Rechtszustand) should necessarily be the result of a moral end. A further confirmation of the relevance of the argument is given by the analysis of the transition from the status naturalis to the status civilis in the Metaphysical First Principles of the Doctrine of Right (§§ 41-42).

Keywords: Kant, moral progress, history, right, moral teleology, The Conflict of the Faculties

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  21. - Kant 1784, Id., Idee zu einer allgemeinen Geschichte in weltbürgerlicher Absicht, in Kant 1900, vol. VIII, pp. 15-32; trad. it. Idea per una storia universale dal punto di vista cosmopolitico, in Kant 1995, pp. 29-44.
  22. - Kant 1784b: Id., Was ist Aufklärung?, in Kant 1900, vol. VIII, pp. 33-42; trad. it. Cos’è illuminismo? in Kant 1995, pp. 45-52.
  23. - Kant 1785: Id., Recensionen von I. G. Herders Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit, in Kant 1900, vol. VIII, pp. 43-66; trad. it. Recensioni di J. G Herder: Idee per la filosofia della storia dell’umanità, in Kant 1995, pp. 53-76.
  24. - Kant 1786: Id, Muthmaßlicher Anfang der Menschengeschichte, in Kant 1900, vol. VIII, pp. 107-124; trad. it. in Kant 1995, Inizio congetturale della storia degli uomini, pp. 103-119.
  25. - Kant 1788: Id., Kritik der praktischen Vernunft, citata nella prima ed. (A); trad. it. Di Francesco Capra riveduta da Eugenio Garin (1955), Laterza, Roma-Bari 1997.
  26. - Kant 1790: Id., Kant, Kritik der Urteilskraft, citata nella seconda ed. (B); traduzioni di riferimento: Critica della capacità di giudizio, a cura di Leonardo Amoroso, Rizzoli, Milano 1995; Critica della facoltà di giudizio, a cura di Emilio Garroni e Hansmichael
  27. Hohenegger, Einaudi, Torino 1999; Critica della forza di giudizio, a cura di Massimo Marassi, Bompiani, Milano 2004.
  28. - Kant 1793a: Id., Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen Vernunft, in Kant 1900, vol. VI, pp. 1-202; trad. it. di Alfredo Poggi riveduta da Marco M. Olivetti, La religione entro i limiti della sola ragione, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1980.
  29. - Kant 1793b: Id., Über den Gemeinspruch: Das mag in der Theorie richtig sein, taugt aber nicht für die Praxis, in Kant 1900, vol. VIII, pp. 273-314; trad. it. Sul detto comune: questo può essere giusto in teoria, ma non vale per la prassi, in Kant 1995, pp. 123-163.

  • Pubblicità, educazione e diritto in Kant (ISBN:978-88-5518-670-4)

Filippo Gonnelli, Il diritto come fine morale. Note sul concetto di "progresso" nella tarda filosofia kantiana in "RIVISTA DI STORIA DELLA FILOSOFIA" 3/2014, pp 443-474, DOI: 10.3280/SF2014-003003