Migliorare il funzionamento del blocco operatorio: strumenti di diagnosi e proposte di riprogettazione

Journal title MECOSAN
Author/s Simona Quaglia, Stefano Bevilacqua, Laura Chiariello, Mauro Del Giglio, Alessandro Giuriola, Maurizio Greco, Martino Vinci, Clara Carbone, Isabella Giusepi
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/97
Language Italian Pages 10 P. 31-40 File size 23520 KB
DOI 10.3280/MESA2016-097003
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The surgical unit, for the features of the binding productive area in the process of surgical production and for the elevated absorption of resources, represents a keyarea in the whole system of hospital production. This study is from a planning work that uses operation management techniques in order to improve the efficiency of the general surgical unit of the Hospital of Imola (Bologna, Italy). In this contest, formerly characterized by elevated levels of efficiency, a combined analysis methodology has allowed locating areas of possible interventions and proposing actions, which, even if with a different degree of complexity in the implementation, are oriented to the organizational wellness and to the efficiency improvement.

Keywords: Efficiency, surgical unit, operations management.

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Simona Quaglia, Stefano Bevilacqua, Laura Chiariello, Mauro Del Giglio, Alessandro Giuriola, Maurizio Greco, Martino Vinci, Clara Carbone, Isabella Giusepi, Migliorare il funzionamento del blocco operatorio: strumenti di diagnosi e proposte di riprogettazione in "MECOSAN" 97/2016, pp 31-40, DOI: 10.3280/MESA2016-097003