The perception of geo-hydrological risk in Calabria, southern Italy: the casestudy of Coast of the Gods

Author/s Francesco De Pascale, Loredana Antronico, Roberto Coscarelli
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/124
Language Italian Pages 30 P. 171-199 File size 273 KB
DOI 10.3280/ASUR2019-124008
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This work seeks to analyze the mechanisms of geo-hydrological risk perceptionin a coastal stretch of southern Tyrrhenian (Coast of the Gods), located in theprovince of Vibo Valentia (Calabria, Italy). In the three-year period 2009-2011,this stretch has been affected by numerous debris flows and floods triggeredby rainy events, even with low intensities. A structured questionnaire wasadministered to 300 citizens of Tropea, Parghelia and Zambrone.

Keywords: Alluvial fans, geography of perception, geo-hydrological risk, humanfactors, Southern Italy

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  • Disaster Resilience and Human Settlements Bharat Dahiya, Francesco De Pascale, Orlando De Pietro, Piero Farabollini, Francesca Romana Lugeri, Leonardo Mercatanti, pp.3 (ISBN:978-981-99-2247-5)

Francesco De Pascale, Loredana Antronico, Roberto Coscarelli, La percezione del rischio idrogeologico in Calabria: il caso studio della Costa degli Dei in "ARCHIVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI" 124/2019, pp 171-199, DOI: 10.3280/ASUR2019-124008