At the beginnings of "Società e storia" in the documents of Mirri’s archive

Journal title SOCIETÀ E STORIA
Author/s Franco Angiolini, Saverio Russo
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/165
Language Italian Pages 11 P. 425-435 File size 39 KB
DOI 10.3280/SS2019-165001
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This paper present some of the preparatory materials for the first issue of "Società e Storia", found in the archive of Mario Mirri: minutes of the Milan meeting in January 1977; a brief letter from Franco Della Peruta to Mirri, and a much longer one , by Mirri a Della Peruta.

Keywords: Historiography, history reviews, Società e storia

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Franco Angiolini, Saverio Russo, Le origini della rivista dai documenti dell’archivio Mirri in "SOCIETÀ E STORIA " 165/2019, pp 425-435, DOI: 10.3280/SS2019-165001