Attitudes toward refugees in the Italian context

Author/s Stefano Tartaglia, Chiara Rollero, Elisa Bergagna
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2020/1
Language English Pages 13 P. 80-92 File size 645 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSC2020-001006
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Considering the concern over the rising xenophobia, it is particularly relevant investigating attitudes toward refugees in the Italian population. Within literature, a considerable amount of research is related to prejudice toward different immigrant groups, but few studies have inves-tigated the predictors of opposition to hospitality of refugees. The aim of the study was to compare the effects of different variables in predicting the opposition to give hospitality to ref-ugees. The variables investigated were socio-demographic characteristics, political orientation, religiosity, Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA), and TV consumption. Data were collected by means of a self-report questionnaire on a sample of 366 Italian adults (Female 55.9%; mean age 39.86, SD=17.09). To test the influence of different variables, we performed a hierarchical regression analysis. We found several significant influences. Results showed that individual factors played an important role in predicting the opposition to hospitality of refugees, but also environmental factors such as mass media influenced the attitude toward this specific social group. Implications in terms of intervention are discussed.

Keywords: Refugees, attitudes, religiosity, right-wing authoritarianism, political orientation, tv consumption.

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Stefano Tartaglia, Chiara Rollero, Elisa Bergagna, Attitudes toward refugees in the Italian context in "PSICOLOGIA DI COMUNITA’" 1/2020, pp 80-92, DOI: 10.3280/PSC2020-001006