The Case of Michela: The Clinical Gaze

Author/s Elisabetta Conte, Marilena Senatore, Maria Mione, Anna Ravenna, Stefano Rossi
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/2
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 11-28 File size 252 KB
DOI 10.3280/GEST2021-002002
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The work proposed here wants to highlight the similarities and differences of reading of the therapeutic process as thought by three Gestalt psychotherapy belonging to different schools. To this purpose, Maria Mione (Gestalt Institute HCC Italy), Anna Ravenna (Gestalt Institute Florence - IGF) and Stefano Rossi (Gift Institute of integrated medicine) have been asked to comment, according to their point of view, the synthesis of a same verbatim of a first session of psychotherapy following the track of some guiding questions. With these ques-tions, we tried to bring out the heart of Gestalt psychotherapy with respect to the reading of the relationship therapist-patient, the modalities of making diagnosis and the aspects of the thera-peutic process. The result is an interesting comparison, an integrated and not introjective reading. Some concepts proper to Gestalt psychotherapy (contact meant as authentic participation of the therapist, the concept of field, the importance of the therapist's feeling, the way of mak-ing diagnosis) are declined by each author in original and different forms, but not for this reason dissonant.

Keywords: Gestalt psychotherapy, verbatim comments, therapist-patient relationship, gestalt diagnosis, therapeutic process.

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Elisabetta Conte, Marilena Senatore, Maria Mione, Anna Ravenna, Stefano Rossi, Il caso di Michela: lo sguardo clinico di tre psicoterapeuti della Gestalt of Three Gestalt Psychotherapists in "QUADERNI DI GESTALT" 2/2021, pp 11-28, DOI: 10.3280/GEST2021-002002