Locus amoenus: dalla noia come vuoto di senso e svalorizzazione di sé alla solitudine come pienezza di vita

Author/s Emanuela Trotta
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2020/111
Language Italian Pages 10 P. 291-300 File size 155 KB
DOI 10.3280/QUA2020-111013
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The spread of Coronavirus has not only forced us to face the precarious and fragile condition of human life, but also the inability to manage ourselves and our own time, highlighting the futility of many of our activities and their instrumental nature, consisting in keeping us away from that dizzying emptiness that everyone is for himself. Loneliness places the subject in a condition of complete nakedness of himself and his own existence, this becomes an expression of a cultural social and relational difficulty, whereas this is supposed to be a positive peculiarity.In an information satured world, loneliness should represent the possibility to find the silence inside our soul, and in the middle of all of this silence, the chance to rediscover our existential condition. This article provides a discovery of the importance of silence, not only as a tool to recall contemporary man to himself, but paradoxically, also a possible way of communication. Only those who descended deep into solitude, are capable of communion with other men.This is the man who lives the silence. Silence, experienced in this way, is not sense of emptiness, but fullness, that bring man to the meeting with others. The experience of silence represents the possibility to become aware of what is really important: other people and sociality. This should be the positive legacy to reprioritise what is truly impotant to us and to promote the possibility of everybody’s renovation, as a necessary foundation on which we can build genuine relationship with the Other.

Keywords: Isolation, solitude, boredom, listen, silence, meeting.

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Emanuela Trotta, Locus amoenus: dalla noia come vuoto di senso e svalorizzazione di sé alla solitudine come pienezza di vita in "QUADERNI DI ECONOMIA DEL LAVORO" 111/2020, pp 291-300, DOI: 10.3280/QUA2020-111013