Schumpeter politico: interpretazioni ed usi

Author/s Piero Meaglia
Publishing Year 1 Issue 2000/2
Language Italian Pages 14 P. File size 46 KB
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In the field of political philosophy new models of democracy (republican, communitarian, deliberative etc.) are being discussed, but among political scientists Schumpeter' theory of democracy is still a cornerstone. Nevertheless, Schumpeter's contribution, the author maintains, hasn't been studied enough and properly as yet. To strengthen his point, Meaglia critically examines some recurring interpretations of Schumpeter's theory which can be found in political science literature and which appear to be superficial and not really convincing: a) the definition of Schumpeter's conception of democracy as "competitive"; b) the fact that Schumpeter's theory of democracy is normally associated with Friedrich's theory of anticipated reactions; c) the use made of Schumpeter's arguments to support the thesis that democracy within parties is not a necessary requirement of democratic governance.

Piero Meaglia, Schumpeter politico: interpretazioni ed usi in "TEORIA POLITICA" 2/2000, pp , DOI: