Rinnovare la democrazia attraverso le associazioni

Author/s Paul Hirst
Publishing Year 2002 Issue 2002/3
Language Italian Pages 18 P. File size 55 KB
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The essay examines the current crisis of modern representative democracy and how associationalism might contribute to its resolution. The author argues that democracy can be renewed but on two conditions. First, that the burden placed on representative institutions by complex public service states is reduced, but without reducing public services. Associationalism provides for governance that is public but non-state. Second, that the role of non-state institutions in promoting the habits of association and participation is promoted. Renewing modern democracy is not easy, nor are associational solutions easy to implement or without risks - Hirst holds -, but the alternative is the sclerosis of representative institutions and the erosion of democratic manners.

Paul Hirst, Rinnovare la democrazia attraverso le associazioni in "TEORIA POLITICA" 3/2002, pp , DOI: