Journal title RISORSA UOMO
Author/s Claudio G. Cortese, Chiara Ghislieri, Gian Piero Quaglino
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2008/1
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 41-58 File size 93 KB
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This research evaluates the perceived utility of different welfare initiatives in an Italian corporation (TLC and Media sector). The sample is composed of 2.997 subjects, to which was administered a questionnaire about the perceived utility of 13 available welfare initiatives. Analyzing the different categories, the most appreciated are economic solutions, followed by those destined to mothers/fathers or to children. Variance analysis conducted in reference to gender and service seniority shows numerous differences (p<.01). Perceived utility, besides, correlate positively with job-satisfaction and job motivation. The research emphasizes the positive evaluation of initiatives that economically sustain families or contribute to child and health care, and shows the importance of need analysis, communication, sensitization and monitoring aimed at specific employee targets.
Claudio G. Cortese, Chiara Ghislieri, Gian Piero Quaglino, Il welfare nelle organizzazioni: quali soluzioni per quali soggetti? in "RISORSA UOMO " 1/2008, pp 41-58, DOI: