Journal title PSICOTECH
Author/s Laura Ferraro, Sergio Muratore
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2008/2
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 71-86 File size 96 KB
DOI 10.3280/TECH2008-002004
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Influenze ed effetti della comunicazione politico/mediatica sul cittadino elettore - This paper inquire the circular relationship between media, politics and voters examining the theories about the influences of the media on the individuals; media represent sources of knowledge and information about politics and they can be seen as tool of persuasion. Three levels of the influence exerted by media will be described: the dyadic influence, the influence within groups and the influence on individual opinions. Finally the theories about use and rewards offered by media, about media addiction, about the information processing approach and the perspec- tive of social constructivism encompassing its concepts of agenda setting and priming effects, will be discussed. Key words: politics, laws of persuasion, mass communication.
Laura Ferraro, Sergio Muratore, Influenze ed effetti della comunicazione politico/mediatica sul cittadino elettore in "PSICOTECH" 2/2008, pp 71-86, DOI: 10.3280/TECH2008-002004