Un'ospedale virtuale per sani? Previsione, prevenzione e comunicazione della salute nel cuore del Mediterraneo

Journal title FUTURIBILI
Author/s Ada Cattaneo
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2008/1
Language Italian Pages 18 P. File size 591 KB
DOI 10.3280/FU2008-001010
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A virtual hospital for the healthy? Prediction, prevention and communication on health in the heart of the Mediterranean - In line with the World Health Organisation, the European Union is showing increasing interest in prevention and prediction in health matters. One of the funded projects designed to find innovative solutions is PIPS (Personalised Information Platform for Health and Life Services), run by the Scientific Institute at the Hospital of San Raffaele (Milan) in a virtual hospital for the healthy. Here, top-level expertise in the medical-technological and sociological-communicative fields creates a network of services for the remote prediction/protection of the illnesses/health of healthy and sick people alike. Intelligent medicine cabinets and trolleys are based on a communicative, relational and interactive architecture of studies on the individual and the creation of individual scenarios. The hospital exemplifies the contribution of sociology in prevention, prediction, education and treatment, putting together personalised services. The location of the hospital at the intersection of the Lisbon-Kiev and Sweden-Sicily axes bears witness to the gradual shift of the centre of gravity of health matters towards the Mediterranean.

Ada Cattaneo, Un'ospedale virtuale per sani? Previsione, prevenzione e comunicazione della salute nel cuore del Mediterraneo in "FUTURIBILI" 1/2008, pp , DOI: 10.3280/FU2008-001010