Il terzo settore fra nuovi e vecchi attori delle politiche sociali: i gruppi di self help

Author/s Bordogna Mara Tognetti
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2009/114
Language Italian Pages 13 P. 157-169 File size 73 KB
DOI 10.3280/SL2009-114012
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Third sector between new and old actors of social policies: the case of self help groups - The article intends to describe the dynamics of civil society and third sector, after an analysis of the major changes that have affected the social policies and the welfare mix. The paper focuses on self help groups, analyzing it as a new component of civil society, as new forms of collective action and "non-conventional mechanisms of representation" in public policy. It will highlight how academic research becomes essential in this context, also to understand and define the real contribution of all those entities to the implementation of social policies.

Key words: self help groups, deliberative democracy, welfare mix, social policies, social research, participation

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Bordogna Mara Tognetti, Il terzo settore fra nuovi e vecchi attori delle politiche sociali: i gruppi di self help in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 114/2009, pp 157-169, DOI: 10.3280/SL2009-114012