Lo stadio di Anne Frank: uno stadio di sviluppo dell'omosessualità

Author/s Federico Crisalidi, Nuria Molo, Veronica Montefiori
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2009/2
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 67-85 File size 787 KB
DOI 10.3280/RSC2009-002004
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The anne frank phase: a phase of the homosexual development - The article describes the peculiar elements of the psychosexual development of homosexual: the few existing studies on the development of the homosexual identity have no developed what the Authors consider the most distinctive element in gay adolescence, that is the hide. Methods: Review of scientific literature and analysis of the Anne Frank’s Diary. Results: The study put in evidence the parallelism between the homosexual tee-nager and Anne Frank; in fact the gay teenager is forcing himself to hide in a secret flat that could be comparable to the one of Anne Frank during the holocaust. In the article a lot of parallelism between the psychological experience of Anne Frank and the homosexuals are shown. Conclusion: This auto-segregation in the secret flat foresee an evolutionary phase of the psychosexual development of a gay person. In the article links and connections of psychological experiences between Anne Frank and homosexual are showed. These experiences and connections allows to develop what the authors define the Anne Frank phase.

Keywords: Psychosexual development, homosexuality, adolescence

Federico Crisalidi, Nuria Molo, Veronica Montefiori, Lo stadio di Anne Frank: uno stadio di sviluppo dell'omosessualità in "RIVISTA DI SESSUOLOGIA CLINICA" 2/2009, pp 67-85, DOI: 10.3280/RSC2009-002004