Aldo Moro «Dossettian Politician». Historiographical Questions and Runs of Search

Author/s Paolo Acanfora
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2010/2
Language Italian Pages 24 P. 81-104 File size 403 KB
DOI 10.3280/MON2010-002005
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This essays offers a picture of the historiography focused on Aldo Moro and his first years within the Christian Democratic Party. At the same time, the author underlines the limits of this historiography and, considering the existent archives, he suggests new possible research projects able to improve the comprehension of religious, intellectual and political personality of Aldo Moro. Starting from a good understatement of his complex relations with the «dossettian group», it is possible to reconstruct the several phases which have driven Moro towards a full assent to De Gasperi’s political views, presenting himself as an expression of a synopsis of various ideas and political projects and cultures. The specific Moro’s background, the problematic affiliation with Dossetti’s group, the overcoming of the split between Dossetti and De Gasperi represent the steps of an overall way on which a new season of researches needs to be introduced.

Keywords: Christian Democracy, Aldo Moro, dossettian group, historiography, Alcide De Gasperi, political culture

Paolo Acanfora, Aldo Moro «politico dossettiano». Problemi storiografici e percorsi di ricerca in "MONDO CONTEMPORANEO" 2/2010, pp 81-104, DOI: 10.3280/MON2010-002005