The Anxiety of the Analyst in the First Interview

Journal title PSICOANALISI
Author/s Mette Moller
Publishing Year 2011 Issue 2011/1
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 5-18 File size 318 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSI2011-001001
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The Author attributes the analyst’s anxiety in the first interview to a series of interlinked issues: the confrontation with the Unknown, the unknown patient and the unknown participation of the analyst’s own unconscious; the temptation to diagnose and to exclude when overwhelmed; the years it takes to build up a secure analytic identity, and its continuous instability. And the hesitation to use peer support to reinforce the internal analytic frame, because psychoanalysis as a profession has an ideal of functioning that is omnipotent and impossible to reach. Seen from this perspective, it is no wonder that a convinced recommendation to begin an analysis can be diverted during the process of consultation. The experience of how it changed the way of discussing and the atmosphere of the workshops during the years gives hope for some improvement.

Keywords: Anxiety, Consultation, Unconscious, Psychoanalytic Identity, Countertransference, Defenses

Mette Moller, L’angoscia dell’analista nel primo colloquio in "PSICOANALISI" 1/2011, pp 5-18, DOI: 10.3280/PSI2011-001001