Journal title RISORSA UOMO
Author/s Giantullio Perin, PierGiorgio Gabassi
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2011/2
Language Italian Pages 11 P. 219-229 File size 203 KB
DOI 10.3280/RU2011-002006
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Legislative Decree 81/2008 requires the evaluation of occupational stress level in major companies and organizations. In fact occupational stress evaluation refers to the identification of an occupational risk factor: otherwise, the evaluation of stress level could include also general lifestyle factors. 110 workers have been investigated on stress perception. Occupational and non occupational stress perceptions have been evaluated with three questionnaires. Significant results (p < .01) indicate that occupational stress is not independent from non-occupational stress. Stress level evaluations could be considered only as an indicator of individual stress in an organization, however they do not prove that such stress is of organizational origin.
Keywords: Occupational stress, risk, safety, perception, transport company.
Giantullio Perin, PierGiorgio Gabassi, Stress lavorativo ed extra lavorativo: mito dei mondi separati? in "RISORSA UOMO " 2/2011, pp 219-229, DOI: 10.3280/RU2011-002006