Journal title SETTING
Author/s Sylvain Missonnier
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2010/30
Language Italian Pages 13 P. 79-91 File size 488 KB
DOI 10.3280/SET2010-030004
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In the community of professional psychological care, the fear prevails about the information and communication technology. More pernicious, many psychotherapists avoid the "non-human environment" (H. Searles) of their patients and project their negative and defensive perceptions. In this context, video games become a caricature. In fact, vidéo games are real projective tests for professionals who report inevitable dangerousness of this activity: neurological disorders, addiction and violence.. The clinical history of John tries to clinically criticize this obscurantist position and defend a genuine psychoanalytic psycho(patho)logy of the dayly virtual.
Sylvain Missonnier, John, World of Warcraft e Second Life in "SETTING" 30/2010, pp 79-91, DOI: 10.3280/SET2010-030004