Thought and hope: a memory of the future

Author/s Gian Luca Barbieri
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2012/44
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 25-38 File size 185 KB
DOI 10.3280/LAS2012-044002
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Starting from two very different texts like Petrarca’s Canzoniere and a small collection of autobiographical narrations written by some oncological patients, the auhor studies the concept of hope, especially its temporal di- mension and its link with the activation of thought. The heterogeneous theoretic references start from Bloch, Borgna, Minkowski, Marcel, Demetrio and Bénasayag and Schmit, and include the psychoanalysis (Erikson, Fromm, Winnicott, Bion, Kohut, Mitchell), the biblical theology (Léon-Dufour), and the sociology (Connerton, Giaccardi, Magatti, Augé). Thanks to these authors it is possible to analyse the regressive and evolutive aspects of hope as the projection of the future in the present that influences the idea of one’s individual past. Finally the author observes that the present-day ti- me closes the doors to hope; it survives only in some contexts like writing, creativity, slowness, silence, in which it is possible to take care of the self.

Gian Luca Barbieri, Il pensiero e la speranza. Per una memoria del futuro in "SOCIETÀ DEGLI INDIVIDUI (LA)" 44/2012, pp 25-38, DOI: 10.3280/LAS2012-044002