Author/s Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2012/1
Language Italian Pages 13 P. 37-49 File size 416 KB
DOI 10.3280/GEST2012-001005
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Although Fritz Perls’ work in groups meant a radical switch in psychotherapy methods of that time, his successors have developed a theoretical concept on this practice as recently as the 1990’s. This concept developed after the death of Laura Perls and Isadore From when the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy took a sharply political stance on this issue. This article presents an excursus of Gestalt theories and methods on groups from "Californian" Perls till now. The article can be a useful didactic tool for those who want to learn about Gestalt group therapy.
Keywords: Group therapy, social dichotomies, psychotherapy and society, groups and society, New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, Cleveland Institute of Gestalt Therapy.
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, La psicoterapia della Gestalt con i gruppi. Dall’esperimento di Perls in California alla scelta politica del New York Institute, fino alle moderne applicazioni in "QUADERNI DI GESTALT" 1/2012, pp 37-49, DOI: 10.3280/GEST2012-001005