A redefinition of italian macro-areas: the role of territorial capital

Author/s Giovanni Perucca
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/2
Language Italian Pages 29 P. 37-65 File size 926 KB
DOI 10.3280/REST2013-002003
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Territorial capital is defined by the system of territorial assets, of economic, cultural, social and environmental nature, that ensures the development potential of places. This paper is devoted to an empirical estimation of territorial capital endowments in Italian provinces. Its objective is twofold. The first goal is to classify Italian NUTS3 regions based on their endowments of territorial capital and to compare the resulting taxonomy with the geographical representation provided by the previous literature. The second objective is to investigate the relationship between local endowments of territorial assets and the economic performance of Italian provinces in the period 1999-2008. Methods and Results Model-based clustering is applied to the territorial capital components with the objective to isolate homogeneous groups of regions. The link between the economic performance of the clusters and their territorial assets is assessed through a oneway analysis of variance. Conclusions Compared with previous literature, the partition of Italian provinces presents both similarities (the gap between North and South) and unconformities (the localization of the so-called Third Italy). The relationship between the distribution of territorial assets across regions and their economic performance is not clear.

Keywords: Territorial capital, economic growth, regional development, regional disparities, Italy

Jel codes: O18, O40, R11, R12

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Giovanni Perucca, A redefinition of italian macro-areas: the role of territorial capital in "RIVISTA DI ECONOMIA E STATISTICA DEL TERRITORIO" 2/2013, pp 37-65, DOI: 10.3280/REST2013-002003