Le nuove professioni del turismo: focus Puglia

Author/s Rocco Lancellotti, Massimiliano Vavassori
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/100
Language Italian Pages 38 P. 121-158 File size 763 KB
DOI 10.3280/QUA2013-100006
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The new professions in the tourism industry are an important source of employment anda driving force of competitive relaunch of the tourism industry at national level. New professionalfigures, in fact, play a critical role both for the renewal of destinations, in line withthe changing and diverse needs of the tourism market, and for the competitiveness of thetourism industry, the perimeter of which increasingly tends to extend beyond the borders oftraditional tourist services.In this perspective it is useful to adopt the concept of ‘new professionals’ as broadly aspossible, addressing new professions (such as those related to the development of Web technologies),the renewed professions (such as new variations of traditional tourist guides) andthe professions that, while belonging to other sectors, contribute more or less directly toqualify the tourist destination.The development and success of innovative, renewed or relocated tourism professionscombine several factors, including:- Changes in the structure of tourism supply and demand; - The legislation, which in recent years has witnessed major changes; - The educational system, which is also the subject of a radical renewal; - The labour demand expressed by tourism businesses

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Rocco Lancellotti, Massimiliano Vavassori, Le nuove professioni del turismo: focus Puglia in "QUADERNI DI ECONOMIA DEL LAVORO" 100/2013, pp 121-158, DOI: 10.3280/QUA2013-100006