The experiences of volunteers with older people: a phenomenological study

Journal title SALUTE E SOCIETÀ
Author/s Chiara Zoppi, Tiziana Nannelli, Diletta Calamassi, Laura Rasero
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2013/3En
Language English Pages 13 P. 149-161 File size 706 KB
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The aim of this study was to investigate the experiences of volunteers during their work, especially in their approach to older people, by using semi-structured interviews. Five meaning units were identified: volunteering seen as a transforming experience, volunteers’ need to be thanked and acknowledged, the volunteer’s involvement/emotional detachment, communication issues between older people and youth related to the generation gap, strong feelings of empathy towards older people and the perception of loneliness in some older people.

Keywords: Older people, voluntary workers, experiences, emotions, qualitative research, interviews.

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Chiara Zoppi, Tiziana Nannelli, Diletta Calamassi, Laura Rasero, The experiences of volunteers with older people: a phenomenological study in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" 3En/2013, pp 149-161, DOI: