Italian Prisoners of War in the United States and Great Britain. Recent studies and historiographic contextualizations

Author/s M. Elisabetta Tonizzi
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2013/273
Language Italian Pages 8 P. 659-666 File size 734 KB
DOI 10.3280/IC2013-273007
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During WWII imprisonment reached mass dimensions: no less than 35 million prisoners and 5 million the dead under detention, according to estimates approximated by defect. The factual treatment of prisoners would depend on a variety of factors summarily recorded by the A. drawing from the relevant foreign and Italian literature, among which she locates two latest published studies on the Italian POW, one concerning the USA, by Flavio Giovanni Conti, and the other focalized on Great Britain, by Isabella Insolvibile. These works come to complete the historiographic corpus on the Italian "war imprisonments", while still lacking is a general and wide-ranging study on the POW in Italian hands.

Keywords: WWII, Italy 1942-1945, Italian POW, prisoner-of-war memory, prisoner-of-war camps in the USA, Italian POW in Great Britain

M. Elisabetta Tonizzi, Prigionieri di guerra italiani negli Stati Uniti e in Gran Bretagna Studi recenti e contestualizzazioni storiografiche in "ITALIA CONTEMPORANEA" 273/2013, pp 659-666, DOI: 10.3280/IC2013-273007