Just the tip of the iceberg! Costs and benefits of the cruise industry in venice

Author/s Giuseppe Tattara
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2013/3
Language Italian Pages 31 P. 136-166 File size 941 KB
DOI 10.3280/ES2013-003013
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Controversy roils the waters of Venice lagoon. At issue: Is the ever-expanding cruise ship industry a cost or benefit to Venice? And how much should taxpayers chip in for port facilities and new canals versus what they can expect in return? This paper studies cruise ships and their economic impact on Venice. Whether any given port makes (or loses) money on cruise ship tourism depends on such variables as on the affluence of the passengers, their expenditure, and whether one includes the cost of ships' impact on the local environment and quality of life. The social and environmental costs resulting from atmospheric emissions, water pollution, greenhouse effect of gigantic cruise ships are, for the first time, estimated. The morphodynamic evolution of the Venice lagoon is greatly compromised by new and more deep canals needed for bigger ships to enter and moor at the Stazione Marittima.

Keywords: Tourism, Cruise Ships, Port of Venice, Air Pollution, Sea Pollution, Cost and Benefit Analysis

Jel codes: L83; L92; L99; Q52; Q53; D61; D62

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Giuseppe Tattara, È solo la punta dell'iceberg! Costi e ricavi del crocierismo a venezia in "ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE " 3/2013, pp 136-166, DOI: 10.3280/ES2013-003013